Shit hits the fan when two large ladies decide to try cosplay

51  2019-04-13 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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Yeah I thought that was pretty hilarious. Like shit, most the jokes were actually pretty funny and not outright mean. Unintended r/roastme but with vidya

/r/PlusSize is the same as /r/fatlogic but itsx serious posts

wtf a cool g*mer sub???

she was btfo in that thread. No drama really tho

Theres a few tards in there throwing a shit fit that anyone would dare criticize OP and calling everyone 14. But yeah, not much drama, just funny

usually that sub is boring as fuck, the comments were surpisingly hilarious

r/ApexOutlands is better tbh

You can't choose to stop being fat; you can't consent to eating cake.

Consent is a bourgeois trick

you can't consent to eating cake.

I consent to it all day every day

Holy fuck those comments are legendary

There's a difference between thicc and overweight. Not that there's anything wrong with the latter.

There is. Overweight is a considerable health risk and a figuratively and literally heavy burden on the healthcare syst-

I mean

dude fatty lmao


Cosplay is cancelled

Honestly their cosplays are quite good though

Yeah they really aren't bad or halfassed at all

NA edition


gamers rise up.

dont need no foid cosplayers in our subreddits