Flairs, Automod, and More

22  2019-04-14 by rsrfy

State of the Sub

We've grown significantly this past week, so let's get one of these threads up again.

  • Some of you are wanting new flair options added (one of you autists even messaged me personally rather than using modmail for whatever reason), so submit any images, text, or ideas you have here and we might add them. An infamous bathroom incident resulting in the death of a beloved Deuxcel (4 months ago now - what?!) has meant little being done on flairs for a while now. It might stay that way - no promises.

  • How annoying is the Automod DeuxCHAT sticky on every post getting? How can we make it worse?

  • Anything else we should do? Any change to our themes? Rules? Suggestions for a subreddit title? Or description? As it stands now we have a title of "Why was I invited?" because of a common DeuxCHAT question and a sub description of:

 The future of intellectual discourse


 Art Through Drama
  • This is a stand-alone subreddit - it's meant to be used even when r/Drama is open and has a purpose more than a clone sub or backup sub for unapproved-cels (though it's use as such is fine). You are encouraged to promote DeuxRAMA on any subreddit with users who would fit in - not strictly to dramatards.

Reminder that shitposts/memes are welcome - just don't break site-wide rules and don't spam. Please try to post something funny or worth upvoting, and not just pictures of men's feet (you know who you are).


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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I got an invite here and I’m not sure what we are about. I saw that traps post here and horny hot sex happens so I said fuck yeah. Also most mods blow goats.. but not you. You are a big dick swinging chad alpha motherfucker.

You seem like a real straight shooter o7

Automod messages me saying that it has given me a flair every time I comment here, because it can't comprehend that my lack of flair is the result of unchecking "show my flair on this subreddit", and his pathetic attempt at bullying does literally nothing.

I'm not even upset about it, on the contrary, I derive certain sadistic pleasure from that and wanted to share because that gives me even more pleasure.

I won't get in the way of robo-sexual pleasure. I refuse to be on the wrong side of history.

how are you so based

By being an r/trappysaruh mod mostly



Resurrect u/Dratamard2 in time for Easter and then we can talk business.

We didn't even realize it had hit the 4 month mark - it's over for emoji-poster-honoring-cels

It ain’t over. We just need a Good Friday Agreement.

I light a candle for him at Palm Sunday 🕯️🙏

Make a jew Flair. For all the chosen Deuxtards out there.

Suggested pic?

Lol noted

You definitely need at least one Marsey. I think the reading a book one might work best as a flair.

Good idea

How about a flair to let people know that you post hog?


I can help with flairs if you need help.

Thanks, I appreciate that. For right now we should keep taking suggestions and then we can do a whole batch. Are you proficient with each part of the process? Roughly: Take image -> make background transparent and resize -> create spritesheet -> modify CSS -> add to user flair templates?

Are you proficient with each part of the process?

I wouldn't say proficient, but I should be able to do it. I just need to refresh my CSS knowledge. I'll go have a look at what dratamard2 has done.


Noted. Is there a similar one that's more horizontal/square? Images that are too vertical don't work well as flair.

By the way, your comment was caught in the spam filter and had to be approved. I think Reddit doesn't like your website.

When I have some free time I’ll edit it to a better aspect ratio.

I dont mean to brag.. but I was the autist who messaged directly.


I’m kind of a big deal.


/u/rsfy plz give me the flair, “the industrial revolution and it’s consequences..”



Lookin' good 👍

How can we make it worse?

Add me as mod, I am great with AutoMod

Sorry, we already have a "Bussy" on our team - u/POST_BUSSY


Can we get some Snappy or Bussy up in here?

I asked u/LightUmbra if he wanted to, and he just said 'no' without explanation - so don't expect Bussy or LongPost anytime soon I gather.

I haven't asked u/justcool393 about Snappy.

I'd do it but it would require work and that's a big yikes.

That's one of my favorite pups. Thanks friend.

😭understandable but sad😱

I think Pizzashill flairs may be good, but then again admins ban shit like that even if it doesn't cause any harassment

I think he's posted some voluntarily, so I don't see why not.

ever heard of the tragic tale of /r/trueincels?

We have Lawlz already, it's too late for us.

true. then bring us the el goblinoshill flair asap please <3