Skank goes to r/AmITheAsshole to seek validation after hardcore cucking her ex with some random dude

22  2019-04-15 by check_fugazi_bro


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Lol all those people defending her by saying “she isn’t obligated to have sex with anyone.” While that’s true she it’s a total asshole lmao. Reddit trying to suck off feminine penis as always lmao.

They cravin' that mouthfeel

Begging for a crumb

Just wanna lick up the sweet drippins-off.

At least he didn't get back with her. As it stands he's only 90% cucked

The cb2 thread lmao

Lmao rofl you were right. "slut shaming" didnt know that term was in use anymore! I thought it wasnt woke enough!

I mean, she's free to have sex and all but that doesn't mean it's a cunt move.

Also is a bit slutty tbh. Won’t bang your boyfriend for over two and a half years then bang some rando in a week. I’d be pissed to if I was that cucked

It’s called different dick energies sweaty, BF obviously didn’t have any

"slut shaming" aka holding a f*male accountable for literally any of their own actions

Christ, has there ever been a worse sub? Even SRDines are slightly less insufferable.

I usually agree with them, but I'm seriously losing my mind over this one.

It's over for love and appreciation-cels

You ever read something that makes you want to swear off human relationships?

Basically every couple hours tbh

Just the possibility of shit like this happening makes the whole thing seem not worth it.

That's why you eat ass on the first date. You don't have to like it, you do it as a power move to demonstrate her ass belongs to you now.

And she can rest easy openly being the whore she knows she is with you, because she's aware you like her that way.

That’s how you know it’s a good bait post.

Here's some dessert

You’re saying that like she was in the same mindset as when she was dating her ex; I can speak from personal experience that someone complimenting you and calling you flirtatious names when you’re vulnerable, already feeling shitty and have a “fuck it” mentality after something like a breakup, you can do a loooooot of stuff you’d have never done before. It changed my sexuality all together.

The way I see it, the co worker knew exactly what he was doing and took advantage of the situation. He’s TA here, because he didn’t even try to console her emotionally, just “wow that sucks. youre so hot and beautiful, let’s go have sex in my car”.

OP’s ex doesn’t have dibs on her virginity. I’m a young adult male, and even I can see the value in seeing through sex and sticking with someone that you actually care about, in order to have a happy future. Maybe he could’ve tried talking more about why she didn’t feel ready(trust issues, traumatic experience, etc...) vs saying “I’m not satisfied, I’m out” and then taking offense when she made a mistake(she clearly regrets it). If her ex broke up bc he didn’t feel sexually satisfied, fuck that metaphorically. Yeah it sucks but guys can fucking wait to have sex, it’s not always a necessity, but a want.

In short, OP’s want for abstinence and waiting for the right time(a very hard choice to make for yourself especially with a long term BF and pressure from them) was overpowered by his penis. He took a chunk of her when he left(confidence in her own choices) , and she was borderline taken advantage AND ON TOP OF THAT HER WHOLE SOCIAL CIRCLE IS TURNING AGAINST HER. Are you fucking kidding me.

OP’s ex doesn’t have dibs on her virginity

That's clearly the real issue here, the ex just wanted the notch in his belt, not a sexual relationship with his long-time loving girlfriend.

Imagine breaking up with someone because they're a picky eater and you want to be more adventurous, maybe go to a nice sushi place every now and then. Then you find out they were chowing down on gas station sushi with their scummiest co-worker just three days later. There's no way that wouldn't hurt.

I don't know man, I think u/tsavoy004 makes some good points.

First of all, the co-worker who tried to have sex with a single adult female by complimenting her is the real asshole here. He obviously should have offered himself up as her new doormat, now that she got rid of her old one, rather than pursue his sexual desire with a consenting acquaintance.

Second, the boyfriend should have been more patient and communicative with her. After waiting a measly 2.5 years while constantly reafirming his love and his desire for sexual intimacy, he obviously didn't consider her feelings enough. I bet he never even considered the trauma his very mature and ammicable break-up would cause HER.

After all,

guys can fucking wait to have sex, it’s not always a necessity, but a want.

But once Chad whispers the right pleasentries into their ear, women just need to get that cock. It's not always a want, but a neccessity.

Clearly all the ex needed to do was wait three more days, but no, he had to be impatient

Yeah that was basically my point that I don’t think a lot of people understood; yea it sucks he didn’t get to take her virginity with someone he loved after jumping ship, BUT she was likely an emotional train wreck being fed verbal treats during an extremely vulnerable time. Coworker is a piece of garbage since he new what he was doing when he started laying on the compliments knowing she was single.
Most were siding with ex bf bc he missed out, but she got absolutely shit on in every part of this situation. But that doesn’t matter, cause he’s sad now.

Yeah because you gave them the ultimate reason to think, “wow I guess that’s a stupid idea then. Welp, I’m gonna stop caring and do something wreckless because what else am I worth if they didn’t stick around for it?”

he didn’t see much in her other than sex

How about wanting to get back together with the knowledge that she still wanted to wait? Should he have been proud and happy that she jumped on the first dude who said nice things to her? Like, duh, of course she can do whatever she wants but that shit is ice cold. He probably should have told their mutual friends to accept the hobo she found under a bridge as the new third in their relationship.

Yeah no you can all fuck right off the whole thread was bandwagoning the “fuck this skank” attitude and completely overlooking where she was mentally in the situation. She was made to feel worthless by her bf after being dumped for her abstinence, and then her coworker piece of shit takes that opportunity to get an easy lay from someone grieving and regretting a lot of decisions.

Do you really think he didn’t love her bf back that way he did?

Do you really think she was just itching for a chance to bone some rando after 2.5 years?

Do you really think she was having a good time after her breakup?

Her now ex didn’t even come back to talk it all out, got all pissy bc he missed out after making the call to dump her bc “he has needs”(fuck that, myself and other adults have gone hella longer without sex quit being a bitch) and decided to completely shit his ex and then everyone against her.

Everyone’s done things they’ve regretted in hindsight because of it being “in the moment” and didn’t have mental clarity. She didn’t silly billy asked him to bone, he coerced it. And yeah, it’s sucks for her ex. He put a lot into the relationship, but his end goal here was mostly sex. He destroyed her values, and got pissy when she had a change of heart and fucked up.

I’ll defend this one to the end, I’ve reread the post and comments multiple times and don’t see anything differentl.

myself and other adults have gone hella longer without sex quit being a bitch

If you've gone celibate that long in a relationship without it being due to a medical concern, you're either a consenting cuckold or someone with too little self respect/backbone

That’s your opinion

Yes, but it's an opinion the vast majority of people share. (I forgot to mention asexuals, they wouldn't have to be in either category).

Relationships require sex if a participant is sexually interested and it's physically possible. Neglecting that creates a dysfunctional relationship, and that is not the fault of the involuntarily celibate participant

I wasn’t talking about an abstinent relationship in that comment, abstaining in general isn’t hard. I’m just not driven by my desire for sex, which I don’t think is weird by any means.

This thread happened weeks ago, even more weeks after the original post. What’re you even commenting for?

I wasn’t talking about an abstinent relationship in that comment

But that's what it was, a celibate relationship. OPs ex has every right to be mad about that.

What do you mean? I'm commenting for the same reason everyone else does, because I wish to discuss it.

In the comment I just replied to, you started with “relationships...”, so I assumed you were talking about a abstinent relationships issues.

I’ve been so involved with both those threads I really don’t feel like discussing it anymore. My mind hasn’t and probably won’t change, and I’ve said all I got.

Good day

got all pissy bc he missed out after making the call to dump her bc “he has needs”(fuck that, myself and other adults have gone hella longer without sex quit being a bitch)

Yes, I was talking about celibate relationships, and it was fair to assume you were saying it was ok to be in one, since many people are celibate outside of one.

I'm not trying to change your whole point, just calling out the inconsistency here. Being celibate inside a relationship is very different from outside, and a person feeling negative about being in a dead bedroom should not be ridiculed for that negativity. It's natural and expected.

He put a lot into the relationship, but his end goal here was mostly sex.

This is also projection. If his end goal was mostly sex, he likely would have broke up much earlier, and definitely wouldn't have asked her back and accepted her not being ready, so I'm not sure how you could have honestly thought his main goal was sex if you "reread the post and comments multiple times ".

My argument wasn’t how he sucked for what he wanted; it was how she was told by his actions that what she stood for didn’t matter for shit. So her mind was likely not in a good place and co worker of hers seemingly capitalized on that. Co worker knew damn well what he was doing, nobody tries to console a grieving person by fucking them and taking their virginity.

I mentioned not needing sex, because as a single person, I don’t need to pursue sex with every woman I meet who’s also single.

I’d bet millions of people feel the same, wanting to wait until a certain milestone with a partner before giving up what’s theirs.

Everyone sucked, but nobody thought the men were in the wrong, which I slightly disagreed with

it was how she was told by his actions that what she stood for didn’t matter for shit.

It's reasonable for her to see it that way, but idt that's how he actually felt. She wasn't waiting for anything particular like marriage, she just didn't feel ready (which is completely fine), and he was reaching his breaking point when feeling like she might never feel ready, or just not with him.

Similarly, it would be reasonable for him to see it as her not finding him attractive, through her actions. I don't think he did anything wrong, until perhaps when he retaliated after she told him what she did. I can't see what I would have done differently in his place, until that point.

You mean gussy relationships, right?

Ah, there it is.

Truly feels like 2011 is the year that masculinity died.

This was perfect

i dont think she is n asshole. she just dated a low t dweeb for 2 years... ABC. always be closin.

She's an asshole for telling him about it and even trying to get back with him. She should have realized he'd be hurt by it and wouldn't take her back.

Or maybe she should have broken up way earlier, when she realized she wasn't attracted to him. But I find it hard to blame her for that. It's easy to be inattentive or self-deluded, especially at that age.

My mutual friends all sided with him and nobody wanted to hear that I was just lonely and needed someone, nor would anyone acknowledge that we were broken up at that point and I didn’t have any obligation to him.

My friends’ reactions’ hurt; I lost many of them and everyone’s bullying me.

Play slutty games, win slutty prizes.

Also I bet her ex cryturbated himself raw after he found out she fucked some work chad.