71 2019-04-19 by SouthernRelative
1 AutoModerator 2019-04-19
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
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1 ElonMuskarr 2019-04-19
I feel personally attacked
1 Badroc 2019-04-19
My love for bussy is not for "clout" 😤
1 Seddhledesse 2019-04-19
Fake and definitely gay.
1 phitshoster 2019-04-19
Post bussy asap foe verification
1 e-guy 2019-04-19
this is indeed accurate
except I also act gay irl just to dab on the lib(ertarian)s
1 PM_ME_WILD_WALRUS 2019-04-19
We would act gay as hell all the time at school growing up before social media existed and we did it for real life clout. Imagine having fun and not taking yourself so seriously. Such a foreign concept for Newscels.
1 AutoModerator 2019-04-19
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 ElonMuskarr 2019-04-19
I feel personally attacked
1 Badroc 2019-04-19
My love for bussy is not for "clout" 😤
1 Seddhledesse 2019-04-19
Fake and definitely gay.
1 phitshoster 2019-04-19
Post bussy asap foe verification
1 e-guy 2019-04-19
this is indeed accurate
except I also act gay irl just to dab on the lib(ertarian)s
1 PM_ME_WILD_WALRUS 2019-04-19
We would act gay as hell all the time at school growing up before social media existed and we did it for real life clout. Imagine having fun and not taking yourself so seriously. Such a foreign concept for Newscels.