The absolute state of Reddit in [CURRENT YEAR]

1  2019-04-20 by SouthernRelative


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This isn't r/subredditcancer friend

I know. The drama is in the comments. Atleast read the post before commenting.

Should've linked to the comments instead of crossposting fam

Post the link, not the screenshot faggy

I posted the link, you just don't know how to use reddit.

OP was trolling. Fron the subreddit cancer thread:

Come on OP, quit your bullshit. That wasn't your only comment in /r/politics.

Lots of hurt fee fees in this thread right now, inb4 I’m a Russian troll

you seem unstable

I’m at -29 comment points in 5 minutes for simply saying lol at these comments hahahaha so much hurt fee fees right now

You were trolling.