How reddit powermods are unethically grooming autistic children to take hormone replacement therapy.

2  2019-04-27 by SorosDidNothingWrong

Some of you may be familiar with the problem:

The problem is getting worse than ever:

So I had to drive this trans teenager to mental health today. I was talking to her about transition, trying to carve a space for her to speak. I sat with her throug intake, they gave me her phone, which I put in the the lock box. This job is hard but rewarding.

This man is psychotic:

drewiepoodle is also brain damaged from crashing his car on methamphetamine:

trying to drive home lit up with alcohol, weed, speed, ecstasy and coke. made it two blocks from my friend's house before my jeep met a tree it really liked. Oh yeah, old jeep wrangler cj7.... lapbelt only. shattered my sinus cavities so bad that they couldnt find enuff pieces to put it back together again, i was snorting blood out my nose for two weeks. oh, caved my head in so bad they had to pull my face off to do the reconstruction. the docs sed they had no fucking idea how the hell i was still alive with damage that bad. i get debilitating migraines from time to time, and there's an inch of a half of skin on the top of my head that doesnt have any feeling, but other than that.... i'm good, still breathing... oh and the paramedics got to me before the cops did, so no DUI, lucked out again on that one

The reddit admins have shown preferential treatment to these users (drewiepoodle and T_Dumbsford) over and over:

Gallowboob is also an autogynephile:

Their newest victim is recent cringeanarchy moderator justcool393. This boy has autism and crossdressed at the encouragement of reddit power mods and administrators:

Somehow this autistic boy got his hands on estrogen pills:

His mother didn't even know and was heartbroken when she found out:

This is especially concerning as Dimensi0nal is the "boyfriend" of justcool393 and is friends with Reiko:

These people seem to have a strange connection to a group called the "Transgender Law Center". drewiepoodle is a follower on twitter and T_Dumbsford had his testicles removed by a woman affiliated with the Transgender Law Center: . The Transgender Law Center is funded by George Soros.


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