52 2019-05-09 by AltOverNow
1 AutoModerator 2019-05-09
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2 mods_blow_goats 2019-05-09
Oof. In England you can get arrested for tweets. He is fucked
1 SnapshillBot 2019-05-09
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1 -Kite-Man- 2019-05-09
can we not compare anyone to monkeys anymore without it being racial? even if its a white dude who really really looks like one?
1 WeenieHutJrSupreme 2019-05-09
nigga monke lmao
1 bjt23 2019-05-09
Yeah I don't get it why is this racist? They're both white?
1 _exophthalmos_ 2019-05-09
I thought she was latina at first. A smug latina.
1 Lostx22 2019-05-09
George Bush
1 MorelloCherriez 2019-05-09
Sacked because the monkey wasn’t a natural redhead.
1 ardasyenden 2019-05-09
and this is why anonymity on the web is important
1 AutoModerator 2019-05-09
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
2 mods_blow_goats 2019-05-09
Oof. In England you can get arrested for tweets. He is fucked
1 SnapshillBot 2019-05-09
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 -Kite-Man- 2019-05-09
can we not compare anyone to monkeys anymore without it being racial? even if its a white dude who really really looks like one?
1 WeenieHutJrSupreme 2019-05-09
nigga monke lmao
1 bjt23 2019-05-09
Yeah I don't get it why is this racist? They're both white?
1 _exophthalmos_ 2019-05-09
I thought she was latina at first. A smug latina.
1 Lostx22 2019-05-09
George Bush
1 MorelloCherriez 2019-05-09
Sacked because the monkey wasn’t a natural redhead.
1 ardasyenden 2019-05-09
and this is why anonymity on the web is important