"Money doesn't matter" - Says a rich guy for the Nth time in r/financialindependece while humble bragging about how he dug himself out of destitute poverty(which in reality is just a mediocre first world upbringing). Users are absolutely SEETHING.

43  2019-05-14 by Stoicpeace


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Honestly I’m surprised they were a lot more calm and measured than I thought they were gonna be. I was expecting to see some chapo reeeeing in there. I forgot to sort by controversial so that might be why

It's physically impossible for a chapo to enter r/financial_indepence for the same reason a vampire can't walk into sunlight.

Another twilightcel making vampire references. May the good Lord purge magick spirits out of you.

It is easier for a donkey to pass through the eye of a needle than a chapocel to enter the kingdom of r/financialindependence

I never read or watched twilight brother, don't let one shitty book appropriate the entire vampire mythology.

Hard working slav escapes the iron curtain, turns into smart, wildly successful family man (like all those guys seem to) and chapotards flood in to tell him that he escaped "authoritarianism not socialism," and that he's a glaring example of the "inequitable distribution of wealth in this country."

His parents escaped the Iron curtain when he was a kid and they US welfare system and it's kind people helped them out. Tough life especially for the parents but he didn't go through anything extraordinary IMO.

It’s over for finacialcels

I'm actually going to support the tankies on this one. Wealth Seminar bullshit "artist" really lays on the thick bullshit of "money isn't important, it's happiness". People like him deserve the gulag.