Atheist Dunker upset at being called autistic after belittling family member’s cancer

5  2019-05-27 by CombativePoster


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of autists on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/DeuxRAMA are the 1%.


  1. Atheist Dunker upset at being calle... -,,

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Is this the inverted version of the Albert Einstein Copypasta?

/r/atheism is further proof of the horseshoe theory as they are basically just fundamentalist Christians who don't believe in God.

I have never seen a thread so thoroughly encapsulate the culture of a subreddit. Pseudo-intellectuals, triggered autistic rants, hating your relatives, making atheists look pathetic. Amazing.

I’m surprised everyone didn’t clap and change their religious views at the end of this atheist justice porn story. Op is clearly an anti-religion edgelord with delusions of grandeur. He’s every bit as pushy as his uncle but he does right think so he’s justified.