13 2019-05-30 by lol_te_gusto
1 AutoModerator 2019-05-30
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2 SnapshillBot 2019-05-30
i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense
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1 lol_te_gusto 2019-05-30
this might be it? https://old.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/butrth/a_song_of_coparenting_and_solo_sex_lots_to_unpack/ephp0ya/
So this is getting closer to Dw
1 SweetDreams2u 2019-05-30
She’s taking the piss out of some guy. He’s acting as a daddy figure and not having any sex with the mum whatsoever. Conclusion. He was never into the mum in the first place. It’s called grooming. Potential pedo.
yeah, I think she might be the kind of parent to leave a kid at MJ's house for a couple of hours tbh
He’s probably gonna be minding the child overnight.
1 ModerateThuggery 2019-05-30
*hits pipe*
You know what, Pippin. I was wrong.
1 bjt23 2019-05-30
This is most likely bait IMO.
1 collectijism 2019-05-30
You guys just make a new account. You fuckin idiots
1 FloggingJonna 2019-05-30
Most of us are approved
1 AutoModerator 2019-05-30
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
2 SnapshillBot 2019-05-30
i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 lol_te_gusto 2019-05-30
1 lol_te_gusto 2019-05-30
1 lol_te_gusto 2019-05-30
this might be it? https://old.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/butrth/a_song_of_coparenting_and_solo_sex_lots_to_unpack/ephp0ya/
So this is getting closer to Dw
1 SweetDreams2u 2019-05-30
She’s taking the piss out of some guy. He’s acting as a daddy figure and not having any sex with the mum whatsoever. Conclusion. He was never into the mum in the first place. It’s called grooming. Potential pedo.
1 lol_te_gusto 2019-05-30
yeah, I think she might be the kind of parent to leave a kid at MJ's house for a couple of hours tbh
1 SweetDreams2u 2019-05-30
He’s probably gonna be minding the child overnight.
1 ModerateThuggery 2019-05-30
*hits pipe*
You know what, Pippin. I was wrong.
1 bjt23 2019-05-30
This is most likely bait IMO.
1 collectijism 2019-05-30
You guys just make a new account. You fuckin idiots
1 FloggingJonna 2019-05-30
Most of us are approved