r/SeattleWA user's fresh pasta creates some drama

5  2019-06-01 by AltOverNow


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  1. r/SeattleWA user's fresh pasta crea... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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The sub no longer represents the people that live here. It has become a place for those that lack empathy to complain about our pinging problem like the sub is their HOA. r/Drama is a liberal sub yet it’s mostly vocal conservatives on here, it has just become toxic. (Someone was downvoted into oblivion for saying everyone deserves a right to post)

Autism is a systemic netwide problem that can only be solved with netwide solutions yet we have conservative brigades on here calling to disband the mod team and bring in conservative mods. Banning societies “undesirables” isn’t how we solve our problems since studies show it causes more issues in the long run- it’s not how we do things in r/Drama

This sub conflicts with r/Drama’s morals and it’s not healthy to engage in this space anymore.

If there's one thing I've learned about this sub during my decent tenure here, it's that everyone here is absolutely terrible at identifying individual ideologies