The Cat Got A Friday Night Takeout.

12  2019-06-07 by MzCherryBlossom


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. The Cat Got A Friday Night Takeout. -,

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what is that?

It was a mouse.

OwO you have Siamese???

Yes, he’s a traditional Siamese seal point. I’m his pet human. I’m owned.

Very pretty. Always wanted one, but I like my Himalayan pretty good too.

Post a kitty pic

I will eventually.

The other night my sick, elderly cat escaped quarantine for about 30 minutes. He managed to kill a sparrow in that time. No wonder so many birds are going extinct!

I’m not telling my cat that story. He’s 13 and never caught a bird...maybe he’s an Incel.

My fat, mentally retarded siamese cat caught a robin at age 2.


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