femcels cope about gussy stank

8  2019-06-09 by AltOverNow


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My issue with GC is that I never have the attention span needed to fully comprehend their cope.

I just can’t read all of GC comments. Get real tho. If you smell fish you ain’t a dish!


  • Josephine Peterson

Clean your vageen bucko

AXE doesn't care about your hygiene

Just made a similar comment about my own vagina! The smell is alluring, intoxicating and incredible! It genuinely is something like a cross between manuka honey and crushed flower petals, but only very faintly.

Imagine the smell coming from your average 350 lb gender critical user. Fish is

Some tranny hate in the thread as well. Bunch of sexist pigs on that sub.

some tranny hate in the thread as well

apparently you don't know what GC is

Imagine trying to make a subreddit that strives for gender equality but then allow transphobia 😂

Not at all related to this but hey, whats stopping you from enjoying you this - Microwaving fish at work is a personality defect

As if women were the only ones to be bullied about hygiene.

Gussy Up Your Gussy, Hussy.