Entire lady sub who walk past men getting beat up confused why no one comes to save them.

20  2019-06-14 by collectijism


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Entire lady sub who walk past men g... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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At least I have friends stupid ass bot

Opt out of society.

Use Twitter.

Pick one.

False dichotomy

It's only false if you have a relaxed or dishonest definition of the phrase "opt out."

It should be illegal to save feminists

everyone will pitch in to protect property

then women have nothing to worry about

Chattel have worth

That's not even the reason people respond to "fire" more than "rape" lol. Its because they don't want to confront an attacker.

its not like women run around screaming rape so much that its become completely normalized.


If I hear rape I’m running but if someone is on fire and I have to pee I’m right there ready to perform

Felix Kjellberg is almost 30...

I had to google who this is.

Imagine hating a youtuber so much that not only do you need the minor win of using their not-at-secret real name, but go through the effort of committing spelling of Swedish name to memory to do it.

Pewdie pie could run for president of Eu if he wanted

God I wish he would

It’s the patriarchies fault that women don’t get saved

That's got to be one of the most retarded threads I've ever seen. How did they get it in their heads that men ignore screams of "rape"? That couldn't be any further from the truth.

Yep if I hear rape I’m joining in. It’s my duty as a cis male.

The patriarchy is the reason women aren’t protected. Serious galaxy brain take. Dismantle the patriarchy it’s not protecting women? What

That's not even how it goes, from what I remember. It's supposed to be screaming "fire" instead of "help", not instead of "rape".