Are we gonna have a Mod Audit?

8  2019-06-30 by TrapNekoLoli

Considering that jannies are no longer gonna do it for free, you have to assume that some subs like r/politics will generate enough income for mods that it would be taxable. And tbh I don't think the first thing a lonely power tripping teenager/30 years old janitor gonna do is report his neetbux to the IRS. And some mods are very hated, so wouldn't it be fair to assume that some people are so bored their gonna gather proof and report to the IRS?


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Are we gonna have a Mod Audit? -,,

  2. r/politics -,*

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Can you imagine how unbearable mods are going to be when they can actually afford tendies without moms help though the one thing that unironically is the reason they still live in moms basement?

oh god the levels of smug we'll reach...