This is going to be a total shitshow.

9  2019-07-01 by TontoGoldbergCA


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😂 the male tears meme is one of the funniest cases of projection for feminists

no gussy, men rarely if ever cry. we know u do on the daily tho

👌 thats why i exclusively surf boontang 🌊🌊🤙🤙


  1. This is going to be a total shitsho... -,

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At 7 years old, I wanted to be a red eyed tree frog when I grew up.

That's a better life plan than most trannies have.


To be fair .. all joking aside.. all my kids are adults but if my kids mom did this to one of my kids at age 7 .. they would still be scrapping her brains from the ceiling. At the point you have to supersede the courts.

Better your kid live with the trauma of losing their mom and having their dad in jail than letting themselves mutilate themselves and fall into that lifestyle that'll destroy them.

Each situation differs but in mine my youngest would have still had a cohesive family unit of much older brother and my parents. I’ll never be a person in a jail so I wouldn’t be. They would have to kill me. So 2 dead parents would suck but .. somethings a father must take a stand on. Castration at 7 is definitely one of those. Also I’d probably snag the doctor that agreed to perform that on a minor. I hope this dad does what he needs to do.

So 2 dead parents would suck

People get over the loss of their parents. It happens to most of us eventually, some earlier than others.

Nobody gets over getting mutilated and brainwashed. Especially when they realize what they've done to themselves.

100% agree.