ANIME = drama

5  2019-07-09 by loli_esports


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Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.


  1. ANIME = drama -,

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Honestly I just plan on seeing which of the romances get favorable receptions and then watching them.

So just watching Fruits Basket from last season then? Did you watch Ueno or Kaguya? I thought they were both pretty funny and the last romance I watched.

I watched the first couple episodes of Fruit Basket. I really enjoyed Kaguya but I haven't seen Ueno. My favorite shows this year were probably Quintessential Quintuplets and Domestic Girlfriend despite the first being a harem anime and the second being about incest.

I've been meaning to watch 5whatever the name is, and heard domestic kanojo was cancer in a funny way, so maybe one day. Did you like Fruits Basket? I heard the original was good but no one ever seemed to talk about the remake. Ueno is 100% a comedy >>> romance, but I thought it was pretty cute as a short and would easily recommend it if youre into the tsundere stuff, but it gets a bit lewder than id like

Yeah I'd definitely recommend 5toubon. I enjoyed what I saw of Fruits Basket but you could really tell that it was shojo which was a big difference from the shows I normally watch.

Oh, I mean when you say romance I kind of expect shoujou like Nozaki-kun

I read that kind of manga when I was younger but I have an aversion to watching it in anime form. Now I tend to watch stuff more like Plastic Memories or I Want to Eat Your Pancreas as well as schlock like Domestic Girlfriend. Also whatever comedic romance is popular that season.

Man, sorry, I can't get a hold on what you like, exactly. I liked plastic memories, but pancreas just seemed like anime hospice. I can't remember the last romance I was really into, but MAL says its Beck, so thats seems pretty good.

I'll probably just watch accelerator and case files tbh. Maybe DanMachi 2 if I can be bothered

based. are you a fellow Index LNchad?

You bet


There wasn't a single anime worth watching since final episode of Panty & Stocking.

Calligraphy Room Janitor sounds like a real hit!

Imagine having readable handwriting

What am I looking at here? I don't understand weeb shit

The anime season

I'm lost ☹️