In which deuxchads literally tear each other to pieces

10  2019-07-11 by MacAndShits


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Holy fuck that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Hell, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping asshole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I’ll even give you the PIN numbers! Hell, you can take the whole damn house while you’re at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I’m willing to go into poverty just because your post on was that funny! I think there’s only one thing that would have made your post even funnier, though:

If it wasn’t a goddamn repost


  1. In which deuxchads literally tear e... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I mean, I did mess up and posted the album instead of the combined image link

Why don't I have custom flair here? This is awful!

You do now

wtf is that thing?

What thing? You wanted custom flair here.

I got some bird. im not a bird

I’m on my phone. I can’t see everything. I’ll fix it.

Ohh you’re on old Reddit. I’m on my phone I’ll fix it.

Blue on Blue!

First of all, why am I not included?

Secondly, white background? Jeez Louise!

Lastly, respect privacy!!!

no one cares you. trash person.


  1. You could have chosen to not be boring

  2. Mayo background for the true drama experience

  3. I'm too busy respeccting whamen, fuck you

Include me In the screenshot

Remember when they were serious posting about black peoples role in society? Complete nerds.

Everyone knows they have no role in society.