Mayo, who is totally not a weeb, slipped up and called his azn wife waifu. He’s totally not a weeb and he really does not have yellow fever, you guys. Believe him.

37  2019-07-11 by HardIsLife


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Y'all can't behave.


  1. Mayo, who is totally not a weeb, sl... -,

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Weebicide now

As a weeb I support that completely.

What a nice creative writing exercise

Those comments make me wanna commit sudoku

Teriyaki, you uncultured swine

Hikkikomori, you mong

I don't know what would be worse, being married to someone who was really offended at being called a "waifu" or being married to someone who knew what "waifu" means. As always with AITA we see that these people, if I can call them that, think that a relationship is about... calling each other out on stuff all the time. Kinda makes me think if this is why our birth rate has dropped below 2.

Also OP, did this account get banished from drama for being too good or what? Is there some butthurt asian there?

It's a dogwhistle to filter out the weebs. We're all weebs now.

Nah, I left /r/drama because too many right winged mods 🙄 you might fit in as a boomer but I was a former SJW. So..

If my wife won't let me call her waifu, then she's not my wife.