
20  2019-07-18 by Momruepari

just fuckin kill me already


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Get banned for practically nothing on my main, all my drama alts get perm bans within a day. I swear they have my IP or something or I should be on r/gangstalking

this is persecution. down with the jannies

All seething is welcome in r/zweirama


Can't believe they banned you of all people. Is it permanent?

one week down. one week to go

Welcome back to the bannedcel club.


I think a drama mod has a serious crush on you. It must be a playground crush but they can’t hit you or pull your hair to show their affection. (((They))) should just pluck up the courage and dm you.

there was a certain someone who used to unban me when needed but he aint a mod anymore sadly

What about asking one of the good guys like ATG or sans?

This guy seems really gay. Only fags whine like this y’all


Let's not change the subject. We were talking about your flaws not mine



What happened big guy?

not sure what i was thinking when I made this

Inshallah brother 🙌

Thank you for your service, sir.