Giga brain in hip-hop heads believes ASAP Rocky should refuse help from Blumpf and stay in jail to epicly own him

20  2019-07-20 by Love-Sex-Dreamz


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Pre ww2, socialists in germany totally tanked the economy. Then they made a scapegoat out of jewish people by releasing propaganda that changed the publics perception of jewish people.

A half decade later, when the gas chambers were in full use, nobody cared about the atrocities of the genocide because they were conditioned to blame the poor living standards on jewish people. The genocide was actually encouraged because of how many german people were upset with their countries health, they saw it as the solution to their problems.

I wonder what the political conversation around the white race is going to look like in 5 years. If marxists can maintain this status quo of isolating white people from the rest of society, something similar to the holocaust is liable to happen again.

Will the anti-white movement be able to organize themselves as well as the german nazis to carry out a genocide? Absolutely not, but it doesn't change the fact that they would if they could.

I have no idea how to stop cultural marxism from spreading. My peers are too affluent. I'm just perceived as some alt-right bigot whenever I speak about it.

All I can really do is show people what I see and explain it to them peacefully. My example is what will break their conditioning. When things are going even more to shit, my tune will stay the same, and hopefully my resolve will convert others to looking at things the way I do.


  1. Giga brain in hip-hop heads believe... -,,

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Refusing bail to own Drumpf 😎

HHH is all white nu-males

Prove me wrong

i cant, that is a fact

You also have to fawn over awful female rappers because they have bagina, not because theyre good artists