Landwhales seethe over Redditors rightfully shaming them

3  2019-07-25 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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For your information, "internet comments" aren't some special kind of imaginary or play world. They are real comments from real people. This is still an actual conversation, genius, just like it was happening in someone's house, face to face. Maybe to you, it's just internet comments and comedy because you don't know what real life is. Look at your user name. Everything is just sarcasm to you. Look at your posts. You have no inner compass. Everything is just for a joke.


  1. Landwhales seethe over Redditors ri... -,

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Dude sentience lmao

>(55% upvoted)

Oh cool, a new hatesub to add to the list.

REEEEEE they are seethe brigading here

Just a reminder that fat shaming doesn't work and this is only redditbros excuse in order to put others down in order to feel good about themselves.

I mean yeah that's kinda true, fair enough....

Pathetic creatures.

??? But, you just did the same thing? Entire CB2 is circlejerking about how much better they are than other redditors. Shit, 50% of Reddit is about how much better they are than others.

/u/LookARedSquirrel84 I don't appreciate that label. We are actually a very diverse community of autists.