/r/starterpacks users upset that people don’t like being woken up at 3am.

24  2019-07-26 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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  1. /r/starterpacks users upset that pe... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. Whole thread - archive.org, archive.today

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No 😥

That lack of sleep could cause someone to be fatigued on their way to work and crash their car. A million people having a shitty night a thousand times could result in a few extra deaths I think. That plus the inconvenience for the millions of other people, a thousand times, does not justify saving one kid.

lmao fucking ayn rand over here

i forgot that amber alerts are so controversial on reddit. haven't seen one of these arguments in a while.

Is it really that surpising? The demographic of this site isn't exactly the type to be going out in public. It's not like the amber alert will serve any purpose going to them.

tfw the government invests millions in infrastructure to wake you up any time there's a third world domestic dispute