Seoul Sista

5  2019-07-27 by AltOverNow


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Your words hurt my feelings, and for the safety of my well being I am going to report you. I do not want to hear that alt-right rhetoric. We censor people because it is the right thing to do. TO protect people from evil bigots like you who think we have to counter peoples points. I can't be bothered to logically counter someones stance on things when my feelings are hurt. MY feelings trump all other actions and i just can't even. Clearly you are on the wrong side of history or else what you say wouldn't be censored. Freaking racist like you make me so mad. I know you didn't even mention race but I know your one of those racist because you are blaming us for censoring you when we just simply don't do that. Your words censor you not us. Now get out of my safe space nazi.


  1. Seoul Sista -,

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I want to have gay sex with you.


How'd her eyes get wider?

Also her hair is suddenly curly

That's easily done. But I need to see a video. Bet you that as soon she relaxes her face she looks like a black asian.

id like ching her chongs

and then ooga her boogas

HardIsLife knows how to apply make up?

hefty nut

  1. I can paint my face black
  2. Now give me attention.
  3. Black makeup paint costs money. Send money. Here is my begging bowl.
  4. I am virtuous.
  5. That black girl/lady/woman is still a single mother of 4 children from a bunch of indeterminate number of potential fathers, living on welfare, crashing into people in wallmart and arguing with cashier.
  6. Asian lady got her money. Time to paint anew for next installment of virtue $$


  1. Asian lady
  2. Makeup companies
  3. Twitter/Instagram with ad revenue


  1. Idiots from /r/MensLib that donate to this cyber beggar
  2. Me, my time, my effort
  3. You who is reading this.


Black ladies