Ronald Reagan's corpse gets #Cancelled after leaked phone call to President Nixon shows him S E E T H I N G about "monkeys from those African countries"

30  2019-08-01 by TheBravestButthole


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Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.


  1. Ronald Reagan's corpse gets #Cancel... -,

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It was a different time. Sheesh

As these and other tapes make clear, the 37th president of the United States was a racist: He believed in treating people according to their race, and that race implied fundamental differences in individual human beings.

Was Nixon a racist or just woke af?

He was BASTE for hating munky (ooh ooh aah aah) but simultaneously unBASTE for this take of his because I recall a tweet from Trump claiming "so basicly im monki" which means hes racist and sexist and bigoted towards trump and as a dirty little rightoid faggot I can say for sure that some of us don't like that.

Not me tho because i dont like non-whites and Trump is ORANG so i dont like him i wabt to call him NIGGER

wow...ronald reagan a racist?... shocking...

Will Reagan ever recover ?

He never even had a chance.

BASTE Reagan BTFOs leftoids and chimps post-mortem, journalists and a singular autist caught coping with the immense triggering he just handed out on obscure drama sub that thinks it's hot shit because it has between 50-50k members

this is the greatest presidential take of All time

Reagan ran a tard administration, by the tards, of the tards, for the tards, but he didn't condemn an entire generation to poverty as a corrupt dictator like Nyerere did. I don't know who's the bad guy here.