I tried to live as an Asian incel from r/Aznidentity for a week and here are the results.

29  2019-08-04 by HardIsLife

You might be wondering what it’s like to see the world through /r/Aznidentity lens but fret not. I did it so you wont have to.

I have to say every little thing has changed from the music I listen to and shows I watch to how I communicate with white men online and offline.

I recently an article about female lead musician from Japanese Breakfast https://charactermedia.com/here-is-why-japanese-breakfasts-michelle-zauner-is-the-asian-american-rock-star-we-all-need/ One of the few songs I’m good at singing along is by this band and it might unfortunately be about some Asian foid not feeling pretty enough for a mayo guy. Here’s the song https://youtu.be/t3bjPGUDl1k It’s a really good song by the way. I like that their music gives an oldie vibe.

Let’s take a look at the lyrics though.

I can't get you off my mind, I can't get you off in general So here we are, we're just two losers I want you and you want something more beautiful

This just seems like your typical Asian American feeling insecure about their Asian features and looking up to Eurocentric beauty. So, I did what a reasonable r/Aznidentity user would do. I googled her husband. Lord and behold!! She’s married to a mayo.



Netflix is also pushing its WMAF agenda on me. It keeps recommending me “To All the Boys I Loved Before” even though I don’t watch teens and rom com genre. It’s about some Asian teen girl falling in love with all the mayo dudes who look the same plus one token black guy who’s gay. I watched the trailer and decided to never watch it. My boyfriend always says, “why do they always have to put in gay black dudes?” He has a point. Why? So, I gave it a thumb down and it didn’t pop up again in my feed but guess what? Netflix is not done yet.

They have this what appears to be a cheesy horror movie called Obsession with some jungle Asian actress and some mayo dude is obsessed with her lol I wonder where this fantasy came from. I also gave this a thumb down. However, Tay Diggs and Lucy Lui rom com was never recommended to me. Seriously, Netflix?

Oh, I’m sorry. I was supposed to be living as r/aznidentity incel but forgot to hate black people through this whole thing. My bad.


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


  1. I tried to live as an Asian incel f... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. /r/Aznidentity - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. https://charactermedia.com/here-is-... - archive.org, archive.today

  4. https://youtu.be/t3bjPGUDl1k - archive.org, archive.today

  5. https://i.imgur.com/BDWo5Lf.jpg - archive.org, archive.today

  6. r/aznidentity - archive.org, archive.today*

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I agree with this gentleman's statement

Thank you

You're welcome.

I checked out /r/aznidentity, and right now the entire sub is seething about mayo-on-spicy mayo violence.



Chipotle mayo. Spicy by Midwestern standards.

hello im white preson heres my opimion

so basicly mayonnass is spicy it hurt my tongue ow ouch

pls reply if you wabt me to ela b orate futher 🗿🗿🗿



so what i was thinking of when i said majonice was spicy was that becaus im wite it burn my mouth. peopel say it isnt spici but it is abd everyone say tabacso, hot sauce, and even sweet and sour is spicier sow im never going to try those or i will DIE. meineuze is the spicyest thing ive ever tried n ever will try. i still like but i prefre CUM and SPERM becos it isbt as spaisi !!!

reminds me of the good ol' days of r/SunnyDlightV8

Here's a sneak peek of /r/SunnyDlightV8 using the top posts of all time!

#1: this jooce goes out to the awsome frends at r/cringanarchie 🥃 | 19 comments
#2: happie to be orange | 3 comments
#3: joocy boobys | 3 comments

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I usually don't see aznidentity hating on blacks too much. At least not to the extent that they are seething about WMAF. But I also figure that the illiterate peasants in whatever dusty Chinese village you hail from are probably pretty dang racist so do you think you get more or less hate for getting BLACKED rather than BLEACHED? I have a feeling your parents would have preferred to sell you as a child bride to a creepy white-savior sexpat rather than see you end up as a ghetto fabulous welfare queen. Although why they didn't just drown you in the river at birth and try for a boy is beyond me.

Sounds like autistic 4D-chess happened here, but I don't get what happened specifically

Much better than your post about a girl that cried over a breakup.

why is ur entire post history seething about CHINKCELS lmao

Because it is generally decent content, this was a snoozefest tho 😴

I don’t understand this post but I love Japanese Breakfast and was very surprised to see Michelle Zauner in a non music sub

Just check /r/aznidentity and you will get this post

Because I’m asian

thanks for letting us know how small your dick is

I am a waman 🤦🏻‍♀️

Actual Asian or American?

Literally from the Asia continent 😒🙄

Oh wow. I thought you were an American version instead of a left over woman. TIL

So help me god if I have to tell you one more time that asian girls love white dudes I’ll write Putin a letter about you personally.

Sup bro it's your man Putin here ready to receive some letters

So what did you want to write me bro? Actually don't even bother because I know what you're going to write: "Start another war of agression with one of your neighbouring countries daddy Putin" and that's exactly what I'm gonna do bro, thank me later bro

Violent unjustified incursion here we go😎

Thank you daddy. Please end Israel. Thx


Bombs on the way


America jumps in front of Israel

"It'd be darn shame if muh foreign aid bux to the Israeli military would've gone to waste. Don't worry Israel I'll always protect you, I don't mind if you refuse to gib khazar milkies, as long as you're happy I am too!" America says before being completely incendiated in a fiery explosion, shielding Israel from the explosion with his fatty flab.

"The number #1 alliance in the middle east meme payed off after all" mumbles Israel, not waiting a second to mourn the nation of hundreds of millions that just sacrificed themselves for a meme alliance before activating the invisibility suit.

Putin gasps. But after a while he figures out the sudden disappearance of Israel.

"Nice try!" he exclaims as he turns off the lights, revealing a long-nosed figure slowly starting to shine through the darkness.

"Oy vey! I knew someone was onto us when we developed our glow-in-the-dark Mossad invisibility suit, someone must've ratted... I bet it was that Palestinian janitor, time for some revenge!" Israel monologues as he pulls out Palestine as a meat shield and turns this 1v1 into a hostage situation. "I'll kill 'em!" Israel shouts.

Putin knows exactly what to do. He calls a contact named le ebin Russian troll #133769 and somewhere in the US, a man in the middle of his 69th shooting spree of the decade, hears his phone vibrate.

"Ugh. Not again. This best not be another of Bogdanoff's calls to save Europe" says a young alpha Chad, 6 foot 7, born and raised in Smethwick Birmingham by Danny G himself, as he takes his phone out of his tactical vest pouch. This young alpha Chad dominant male ultraking is Sam Hyde. The bloke whomst's gotten away with the vast majority of mass shootings since the 90s and has expended the CIA billions of dollars in cover-ups so that they don't need to admit that they can't catch this masterminded genius. He sees who's calling, picks up, listens to what is being said, and then jumps in his whip, a 2014 Toyota Prius, aka the cuckmobile, fires up the V8 he installed in it (because he's an engineering bigbrain) and accelerates.

After ploughing through multiple pride parades and blocks of ANTIFA rioters whilst smoking a cigar he roled up himself, our lad Samuel is at the scene in the middle east in mere minutes. He has come to fight in the place he wished for peace in. The place he shot all those kids for. The place his wife's boyfriend is from.

"Holy shit is that who I think it is? Oh Jahve, it can't be, it's Sam Hyde!" Israel shrieks as Sam approaches, holding up his AKM and uttering "Names and addresses, names and addresses..."

"Don't come closer or the Palestinian dies!" Israel threatens, facing toward the imposing Samuel towering over everyone else and almost hitting the ceiling. Sam takes aim.

"Too bad I hate kikes and sand niggers all the same" Sam tells Israel as he starts firing. Loud PEACEKEEPERs are emitted with each bullet leaving the barrel, ripping through Palestine, and lodging themselves inside Israel's center mass. Blood splatters everywhere as huge holes are torn in slow motion by the vibrant tracer rounds hitting their targets. Sam bumpfires gleefully whilst letting out a simultaneously autistic and beautiful roar, Putin dodging the shell casings leaving arches of smoke from the ejector port to the ground. Truly a wonderful scene.

In a matter of seconds, the whole ordeal is over. A dead Palestine slouched over the corpse of Israel staring up into a lamp that Putin turns on, revealing the aftermath of the fate this Jewish ethnostate met. The duo walks up to the two bodies.

"I sure owe you one after that" declares Putin

"You think I went too far with Palestine? My gamer hatred towards minorities got the best of me there" Sam replied.

"Nah. I'll get some KGB guys to cover it up. No one except libleft soycucks cared about Palestine anyway."

"It's settled then. So, back to business as usual: I keep making half-arsed comedy and you keep interfering with elections n shiet I assume?"

"Da. Thank you for this. I'll see you at the next world control conference."

"You too Vlad."

Then they parted, and Israel was no more. Some schizo from Finland ended up buying what remained of the Holy Land to build servers supporting his immense DeuxRAMA agendaposting frenzies. No one talks about what happened to Palestine. Putin continued his career of vulnerable country invading, and Sam went on to break his record of being responsible for two shootings in half a day. The end.



Luv yu 2, bby

Nice flair u have there 😎

Thanks my bf picked it

Lol. You need to put in text for the css class for it to show up on old.reddit.com tho.

I do? Lol

No worries. That's still better than me being generally retarded. 😎


Her mayo genes are totally dominant. Just look at the nose ring, tattoos, and quirky hair. She knows she's a boring person and is desperate to make herself unique, even it means self-mutilation.