As if r/CTH couldn't get any more vile, they're now trying to deplatform one of our glorious mods - u/n_mullen. The quarantine wasn't enough admins! Stop this menace.

69  2019-08-09 by rsrfy


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Not only do you say horrific things, you also actively contribute to a misogynistic thread to continue flaming the fire. Honestly, there is something deeply, deeply wrong with you as a human being. I hope one day you find clarity, and let go of the intense hatred that is in your heart.


  1. As if r/CTH couldn't get any more v... -,

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I'm not doing a bit when I tell you that I'm a black dude that tried repeatedly as a kid to learn to swim with lessons and never got it, and then with my friends in the Marines I never got it, it came down to me actually vaping 2C-B and inducing whatever brain plasticity modifying effects from a psychedelic before I could float on my own, and I figured it out in 10 seconds of jumping in the water as opposed to failing after dozens of hours of practice. Fuck Chapo Nig House.

practicing floating

I can’t comprehend this

Not really coordinated, I mean I tried to do the movements like you were supposed to but never actually learned, I had to do it instinctually this way.

you don't move to float

i cant float either, im a submarine with no ballast

Its because of your 90lb balls.

Don't trigger her gender dysphoria 😑😀

As you were, trappy 😍

what do u mean my balls are very lightweight and agile

Why not unban me trappy?

im not ur mom

That makes no sense, all my gbp are not your concern.

who are u and will u be my friend

We have always been friends.

Unban me from r/drama

Sounds like you're just a retard.

Is this supposed to be that red button meme where I sweat while choosing being a product of incest or being able to swim?

Damn, what if doing the wrong drugs made your brain white?

Are you currently feeling the urge to call the police on yourself for acting suspiciously?

Holy Fuck ChapoTrapCels fucking suck.

Prove how brave your butthole is. Show that hog.

U/n_mullen how should we proceed comrade?

Why'd you upvote it, then?

Not my screenshot