Short women, ever feel targeted by short men? Read on!

8  2019-08-12 by HardIsLife

This is not meant as a dis to either, or to imply that all shorter men do this.

I can’t help but feel some short men see shorter women, and feel entitled to them in some way. This is especially true on nights out. As a single, relatively short woman (5”3), whenever I’m in a bar or club, short men always try to hit on me. And not in a friendly or flirty way either, I mean you can literally see their eyes light up when they’ve spotted a shorter woman and think ‘ah-ha, she’ll go for me’.

I actually outright asked a guy who did this once, and he admitted it was because I was smaller and actually said “why wouldn’t you want me? You don’t need a tall man”. The arrogance of this was ridiculous and of course it was only one guy, but I’ve had multiple similar experiences - do shorter guys realise that targeting short women like this, because of their height, just comes off as desperate?

I’m not going to like a guy based on one encounter and height alone, and I don’t see why I have to change my dating preferences to accommodate someone else’s height. In fact I’ve dated guys from my own height up to 6”3, and height was not the determining factor in why I chose to be with them. Why would my own height mean I have to date you?!

TLDR short women, anyone else had these experiences? Short men - apologies if this doesn’t apply to you, if you’re thinking about it - please don’t act like this, and if you already do...please stop! 🤦🏻‍♀️

👉🏻 sauce 🥫


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Short women, ever feel targeted by ... -,,

  2. sauce -,

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LMAO 5'3" isn't even short. That's the average female height in Burgerland.

uhm have you tried not being so short?