An attractive female grabbed my attention as I stepped off the train today, and it turned out to be me 💅🏼

16  2019-08-12 by HardIsLife

"Attractive" girls usually catch my eye, primarily so I can beat myself up about how I'm not as pretty as them, not as skinny as them, my boobs are too awkward, I can't wear shoes like that, I can't walk with confidence like that, I could never dress as well blah blah blah 🙄

Today however, I stepped off the L and a girl like this made me do a double take. Turns out it was my reflection in the elevator ahead. 🤭

I felt odd once I realized. I was so ready to be insanely critical about myself, but was instead shocked to see myself in such positive light. I am good enough, after all. 💅🏼

👉🏻 sauce 🥫


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Oops, I came to your sub and I made another mess 😏. Clean it up Jannie 😎.

Clean up the mess I made here 🤣🤣🤣


FOR $0.00.



  1. An attractive female grabbed my att... -,,

  2. sauce 🥫 -,,

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Wowza, I didn't expect this when I woke up

These are more fun when you larp them

OP I bet u really r that cute let's take this 👉👉👉 into DMs so we can talk about Korean boy bands. ur asian so you must like them.

Seriously though 4 fucking am and can't sleep and I end up in goddamn baguette reddit.

Gay 😍