Trussy converts a Nazi into a communist with her dick. /r/averageredditor is not convinced, claiming this man to in fact be a gay jew.

59  2019-08-15 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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Is this the new MDEcel containment chamber?

Nah it's just one of the many iFunny hangouts - bruhfunny, averageredditor, antifabruhfunny...

r/Bombstrap is more MDE adjacent

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Trussy converts a Nazi into a commu... -,

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Every poster on that subreddit fits all stereotypes of the average redidtor perfectly adjusted for rightoids. Horseshoe law is universal.

/u/xXAssBlaster69420Xx your username is incredibly based.


why do chapos always have 69 and 420 in their names

You calling me a Chapo?

Yes 😤

I’m a /r/stupidpol strasserist, not a Chapo!

Tucker Carlson 2024.

Chapo check


Tucker/Tulsi 2024!

Because they cant be funny even if their lives depended on it. Leftist subs are always full of dead memes.

Here's my defence in this court case Including pictures of me with my BF and evidence he's been commie pilled and pics of my also cis heterosexual EX who both of which are high T and 6'2 and definitely both German. Also included is pictures of my room to prove I have no Funko pops as was so rudely accused before.

lol based

Beautiful homosexual couple 😍😍😍

That's just code for "I want your tight little trussy miss but I'm too cucked to admit it".

I'm more interested in your gay boyfriend

Sorry he's just into pussy and trussy no boys aloud

He's gay though, he's in a relationship with a man

You just keep repeating yourself so this is no longer fun peace retard

I wish you and your gay boyfriend a long and happy homosexual relationship

lol, I commend you for not deleting all that cringy shit on your profile.

That hairy arm though.

Either you're retarded blind or both because there is no hair on my arm lol

Well it doesnt look like a ladies arm to me. Or a ladies face.

It does to literally everyone else in my life including all strangers I meet so get owned faggot

Hah ok son.

Good counter argument

Were we argueing?


I dont follow anymore, you wanted to flex a bugman bf and now youre angry?


You should continue this conversation over in the better drama

There ty


Cute and based.


this is either a glowing review for your feminine penis or proof that rightoids are weak minded and will do anything for a drop of coochie

either way, praxis

I literally can’t tell whether I’m in drama2 or CTH

and here’s why that’s a good thing

you arent a real dramacel until you’re subbed to cumtown, braincels, inceltears, cth, cth2, Drama, drama2, gendercritical, gendercynical, and whatever that one waifuism sub was

leaving out deux and zwei

not very cash money of you

its literally because i couldnt spell it.. peak whitoid i know

TIL I'm not peak whitoid yet, and that's a good thing

Duex and Zwei are for the dramachads

It’s over for Dos-cels

you arent a real dramacel until you’re subbed to banned from cumtown, braincels, inceltears, cth, cth2, Drama, drama2, gendercritical, gendercynical, and whatever that one waifuism sub was

Look at this guy trying to pretend he doesn't know r/waifuism

this is the squidward fucker’s alt

I think it's more proof that the programing is easy to break. My boyfriend was angry and his family told him it was the immigrants and non whites to blame when it was really capitalism and I just showed him who his true enemy is.

a big part of the idealogy is that the jews are controlling the traffic lights so giving them a bigger baddie to demonize (capitalism) helps with the high T anger. and trussy, lots of trussy.

Yeah kinda at first but it's slowly melted into a normal ML ideology. We read theory together and talk and just calmly talk about the world all time.

Totally normal marxism and tranny cock

It's fun to see someone unload their melted brain into their keyboard

Lupron got me tripping

So you're saying you substituted one bogeyman for another, and did nothing to solve his actual anger issues...

Perhaps I explained it wrong. He was angry at the system and blamed the boogie men the establishment told him to blame when what his problems were with were the system itself.

No that's exactly what you explained last time. All's good as long as you don't have to take personal responsibility for your problems right? Congrats I guess that his scapegoat is now the same as yours and you can both be angry bitter people together?

PS: the reason his "programming" was so easy to break is because you didn't break it, you just changed the name of the evil without substantially changing any beliefs.

We're not angry and bitter people we just realize that our lives as people is poverty would be better if we had a socialist economy.

Your comment is some "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" blue pilled cucked logic. "If I don't destroy my body for my daddy landlord and boss then I deserve to starve and die from preventable illnesses" cucked as fuck.

not bitter

angrily rages at the suggestion they do something for themselves

Oh yeah not angry

Because you're retarded and don't know my material condition in the slightest. My boyfriend works full time and I work 2 part time jobs and we still barely have enough to skate by in a fucked up one bedroom that hasn't been updated since the 50s.

Reacting with a gif? What is this neolib Twitter? Shut your Boomer mouth and just fucking die already.

You can make a lot of money posting nudes on onlyfans

Even your lashing out at me isn't your fault or choice apparently. Its all my fault for wrong think. I suspect problems other than finances are "not your fault" either.

Again you're being stupid and assuming my finances when you know nothing about it. I'm very tired of boomers who were raised in a social democratic economy telling me to pull myself up by my bootstraps when I'm busting my ass every single day.

A) I'm not a boomer, I'm a millennial

B) when I said you blame others for your problems I wasn't talking necessarily about finances. (I literally just said that) its everything wrong in your life.

Try and come up with a problem you are having that is your own fault, I'll bet you can't do it. What about an issue that you have that you could probably fix even a little by changing yourself?

For example: I'm tired and having trouble concentrating today, because I stayed up late with friends last night instead of going to bed on time. My problem, my fault.

I stress too much. I have a hard time getting motivated sometimes. I'm too emotional. I overreacted sometimes. I know I have problems I just know most of my struggles aren't had by people in countries that make 1\8th the money the US does and that's extremely frustrating. As well I know a lot of my problems are directly correlated to my economic instability. Most Americans aren't able to put away more than 400 for an emergency fund and I'm never able to save money because the moment I get savings a head gasket blows or my landlord wants to raise rent so they kick all the tenants out or I get a transphobic manager that makes my job hell.

Boomer is a mindset and you're a fucking Boomer

What's your job? Turning a key at a fountain or something?

Subway and baking part time. Insulting poor people once again a Boomer tactic please fucking die.

So you both work equivalent of full time but can barely afford a one bedroom? Are you living in a hipster area downtown or something?


Then something is up and one of you is a junkie or buying hookers or something. Either that or you are both insanely bad spenders.

You're retarded kill yourself

I disagree. Show me your budget.

Its probably the HRT

You live have an apartment, with a safe place to sleep, running water, and internet connection, with medical needs like HRT taken care of, in one of the richest countries in the world. You very well off globally.

Would literally be better off in basically every European country, major Asian countries or even Cuba or South Africa. Just because I don't live in the third world doesn't mean my country can't do better.

The fact that I'm struggling in the "richest country in the world" is infact the problem. We have the money to have programs to take care of the poor like the rest of the developed world but choose to have insane billionaires that sucks the economy dry by not paying taxes and hiding their money in Ireland.

every European country, major Asian countries or even Cuba or South Africa

oh man i knew commies couldn't do math, but this really is something

why don't you move to Moldova, Russia, or PRC and get back to me

Prc is better than the US Russia isn't really Asian or European and neither is Moldova also I like how you struggled to find shittier countries really proves your point

Russia isn't really Asian or European and neither is Moldova

oh man, you almost had me there. this was a good run m8

Slavs arent people

Translated to cuck:

“You got a Nintendo switch and I let you eat my pussy after I’m done with your son’s biological father. Plenty of men are single and can’t even get a girlfriend. You very well off.”

You can pull yourself up by your bootstraps by being a career criminal, you don't have to be a wage cuck


lives as people is poverty would be better if we had a socialist economy.

Lmao name one socialist economy that wasn't plagued with extreme poverty for its entire existence. Also, your trans I thought that as soon as you started taking HRT you instantly learned Python? 🤔

So how does a workers revolution where nobody wants to work, work?

I want to work just to work fair hours for a fair wage

You’ve been lied to and your station will not improve under any system imaginable. You are at the bottom of the pile, by choice.

The establishment wants immigrant chaos, you absolute knob.

Yeah that's why being angry at the immigrants is bad

It doesn’t matter if I am angry AT the immigrants. What I am really angry at are the globalists USING immigration as a weapon to destabilize western countries.

But they have to be removed because they are a political weapon.

It is capitalism AND immigrants. And, by immigrants, I mean democrats.

its just horseshoe theory lol. both sides are inbred extremists who jump from one ideology to another for social acceptance.

the real spectrum is 'interntet extremeist <--- radical centrist ->>> ted k'

high T

He has a patchy soy beard.

He's def higher T than you because he has the fucking balls to post a pic of himself. Show me your little deformed soy face coward.

Posting pics of yourself and associating it with your reddit account is not low or high t, its just retarded.

Low self esteem coward show yourself

All you get is a pic of my pets, i might be stupid, im not stupid enough to link my face to my idiotic plebbit account

Low t coward

not doxxing yourself makes you a coward

I see you’ve really embraced being a female my good sir

See trans girls are girls confirmed

Consider my mind changed brother

I think it's funny how rightoids throw in as many gendered words as possible when talking with a trans person sacrificing their points and making their sentences sounds retarded to try to "trigger the libs". Try harder be creative when insulting me faggot


You also have the balls

WTF, guess I'm now ready for the trans communist sex squads.

This is CTH tier bedroom grossness. Why do you people always live in filth? You don't have to be rich to clean your fucking living space.

It's pretty clean lol idk what you're talking about



yeah im sure xXAssBlaster69420Xx is 100% telling the truth about this

I posted the evidence cuck

all that proves is a soy trump supporter turned gay

they already were gay lol

Onejoke.jpg insult me in a funny and creative way


This is exactly what I pictured when I read the thread. If there are 2 different dudes in that album(they both look the same to me), neither one should ever be described as high T. Both are exactly what I pictured a tranny's boyfriend to look like.

Let me see your face low t coward

Lol, I'm not dumb enough to doxx myself. Keep on posting you and your boyfriend's face, trans cutie, I'm sure nothing bad would ever happen.

I am also sure nothing bad will happen

None of those guys look high T. They both look like closeted homosexuals, tbh.

Like you

This literally proves nothing other than your boyfriend being a fag.

This thread is old I'm bored

Dude you have a stronger jaw than he does l m a o

Less strong than Angelina Jolie retard


nigga looks like tranny dsp

Well, technically Nazis and Commies aren't that much different.

Both want total state control over everything...