Scat pornographer and reddit thot finds out her entire family enjoys jerking it to her fisting her ass.

61  2019-08-19 by SkrrtSkrrtMyDickHurt


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Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters.


  1. Scat pornographer and reddit thot f... -,,

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I think she's just mad that they got all that content for free

I think she might be mentally ill, she accused them off setting up web cams in every one of the rooms in her house, hacking her phone and all her accounts to watch her 24/7. Her husband is supposed to be a software engineer, how the fuck is he not gonna notice what was up with the home network.

I think she has paranoid schizophrenia or something.

Unless you are actively checking on that shit I could kind of see how it might slip through but it does seem pretty excessive to not notice something is up but idk. She says the only reason she knows is because her mom confessed and then she accuses her mom of paranoia because she assumed she knew they were spying on her.

My mom said that I should take it as a compliment that they watch me masturbate and get off to it. Apparently it's all good because they thought I knew they were watching me and that I was even "showing off for them sometimes". I don't know who the hell thinks people are just randomly spying on them all the time but anyone that does needs help with their paranoia disorder

Seems like a weird plot hole but with schizophrenics it's hard to know where reality ends and the delusion begins sometimes.

Yeah shit seems pretty far fetched, her brother had remote access to her iPhone camera without her knowing? That is pretty fucking out there

True dat

If you read the original thread you'll see that a user already said Cerberus is capable of allowing that kind of access.

Did you really just say having experience in "IT" is a real qualification to tell it's bullshit? And a little bit of coding experience? Oh honey, I'm so sorry you weren't smart enough to get a real degree (if you even have one and not just a bunch of certs).

There's this thing you can put in cameras, whether they be portable or not, called an SD card. It lets you store video or photos on there so you can look at it later. Also you can plug things into the wall, no batteries necessary.

Why though, why would your family do that to you? If there were SD cards then you have proof and you need to go to the police. Yes Cerberus is capable of providing that kind of access if your brother stole and rooted your phone with out you telling (which I find highly unlikely). Your mom told you about this and then suddenly denied it and said the conversation never happened and said you're crazy?

You tell me what is more likely, your fantastical story that your mother, father brother and sister are all part of some twisted, deviant plot against you? Or that you're deluded and paranoid and none of these things ever happened?

I'm very happy that you had a normal childhood where your parents acted as they should. Unfortunately there's no test that dictates who gets to reproduce.

As for why, when someone is overly concerned with the "protection" aspect of parenting, things can get a little out of hand. Also when your own parental figures were mentally ill, absent, or extremely poorly educated things get a little fuzzy on how you should act as a parent yourself.

It starts with just telling them they can't go over to other kids houses and that there's absolutely no sleepovers. Then move them out of public school. That's safer. Now they're getting older, should give them an old laptop, that will make them smarter. Oh shit, they're going through puberty now and there's porn on the internet. Better look through it as much as possible and shame them for looking.

Now they're trying to get a little of the real thing. Definitely stop that from happening. It's middle school they're not supposed to get to 2nd base! No boyfriend's allowed and I'll continue to berate and shame you for your sexuality.

Your sneaking out because I won't let you have normal sexual experiences for your age!? Guess it's time we ship you off to a behavioral correction program, were not dealing with this crazy child.

Now I'm scared you're going to try to have sex with everyone. Guess you can't go to school and you definitely can't use a computer or phone anymore. No outside access and no friends means I win.

Oh no I made them socially retarded and they're in their mid-teens. Time to make it up to them by letting them have a phone and computer again. Gonna still take that shit away to look at it though and I'll let them have friends even though they don't even know how to make them anymore. Shit, she deletes her browser history what do we do now!? Her brother says there's something he can put on there so we know what she types. That's genius! Do it right away!

I'm starting to suspect something's going on, she's legal age and she's getting money suddenly. I'm not going to scare her off though, I'll play dumb. Her brother isn't here anymore ever since he tried to choke her out while he was trying to get clean from opiates.

Now he's moved back but she's on her way out soon. Going to move in with her boyfriend's family and start college. I've been supervising her all this time, what if something happens!? Good we have her schedule, get her brother to check up on her on campus. He delivers pizzas, he's got time.

Now her and her boyfriend are getting an apartment. They ask for moving help and we're ecstatic. She hasn't completely shut us out of her life yet! She even visits us still! She leaves her purse out whenever she's over, doesn't she know that's dangerous? We're family but still, she's just asking for us to look through it. Ha! Even her phone password is easy, it's the last few digits of her email. Her brother has started to go to school again, he says he's learned a way we can access her phone even when she's not around! Perfect, now we can know for sure that she's safe even if she moves away.

... She hasn't been contacting us much this past year or so. Don't want to seem overbearing so I'll just check up in private and go through her online accounts.

She's talking to us again! They're married! Wow I'm so happy she's not going to be a prostitute or die alone. We were pretty worried there. Now they've bought a home and she invites me over to get lunch together and other mother/daughter stuff. Lol she even leaves me alone in her house while she gets dressed or runs to her car. She's just asking for me to look through her house, gotta make sure she's not doing drugs or anything dangerous.

Looking into security for the house, tried asking her husband for tips since he's good with technology. Never really answered much so we'll go for her brother. Turns out you can put up cameras really easily and you don't even need internet! This gives me an idea! Some parts of her house are messy enough where I can hide it, just need another mother/daughter bonding day so I can go in there again.

Now for the sexual aspect, that threw me for a loop and I don't know when that started so I can't provide much info on their justification other than "but we don't look at your face!" and "we thought you knew about it? You never reacted badly when you caught me in a room I wasn't supposed to be in and you've even looked straight into the security cam before"

My sister has no part in this, she had a very nice life compared to my brother and I. She is what we were always compared to. She doesn't have enough experience with the abuse to have any reason to believe things are as bad as they are.

You didn't answer his question. How on Earth did you need Reddit to let you know that you can go to the police with the cameras, SD cards, and phone, and easily get then charged with a litany of crimes for what they have done?

I don't have the cameras or sd cards.Id I did I would have taken that to police instantly. I have the phone but I was unaware that a factory reset didn't erase it. Now that I know that it's still on there I'll be presenting that to the police.

So it wasn't until your mom already had removed them from your house that you realised what they were? How did you even decide that they were cameras then?

For future reference data is never erased until it is over written, all any digital storage does is allow the area where the data is stored to be over written with new data.

Keep that in mind if you ever sell a phone or computer, you want to completely reformat it and probably use a program that over-writes the entire storage, before you sell it.

I'm aware of that. So does the fact that I used that phone for a few more weeks after finding out and doing a factory reset change anything?

Hard to say for sure, to use and meaningful tracking/monitoring program (and hiding it) requires the phone to be rooted. I have never messesd around with RATS so I don't know where it would be installed/partioned etc.

Here's some good info

Jesus that was a wall of text.

Opiates explain it all, plus she admitted she is socially retarded.

Open and shut case Johnson.

I'm like waaaaayy too invested in this than I should be.

Since there are so many accusing you of lying, do you happen to provide any images as proof, like to the cameras, screenshots of the key that installed on your computer or the watch history of your Google drive?

As I said before, they were in a pile of parts and other random possessions of my husband. There's no reason why I would take a picture of them but I'll take a look at some older pictures I have to see if they're in the background. Usually tried to avoid the clutter in the background so there's no guarantees but it's my best option right now.

That SSD died a couple years ago, if it was on there when I lived at home it's gone now.

As for watch history on google drive, is there a way to see that even if it's from the original account? Will it say "you watched this on [date]" and how far back is it? Because if that's possible to get that would be amazing. I know it wouldn't be usable evidence but it would be nice if I could find out if they're bullshitting about some of it. All I have to go off of is my mom saying they did and a few specifics of the videos that weren't shown in any previews. So they very well could have only watched 1/4 of it but their other behavior makes me think she's probably telling the truth about watching every one of them

So while the cameras were in your house, you couldn't see them because you apparently have piles of scrap electronics overlooking your various sex having spots.

As soon as the cameras leave your house, you know exactly where they were?

Don't kink shame! Maybe she is like /u/sexycyborg and secretly gets off to piles of motherboards and discarded RAM sticks.

They weren't in any sex spots, man you guys' are awful at reading comprehension.

Unfortunately, excess money means my husband just buys whatever parts he thinks might be useful and then never gets around to doing anything with them. There were three. One in the "computer room" where there's so much electronic junk it took longer to pack up just that room than most of the house. It's a 11' x 17x room with desks covering every inch of wall. We sometimes masturbate in there since there's computers and porn.

I just saw that one and the one on the bookshelf in the living room. Another place where my husband's stuff was basically on every surface.

Again, I didn't think anything of it until my mom felt guilty about doing this while we were going out places together and bonding. She told me there was one in the master bathroom but I never saw it. Can't say for sure if there even was one there. I'm just going off of what she decided to tell me combined with my own experiences.

What does your husband think about this?

He thinks it's disgusting and disturbing. He was initially skeptical, which isn't surprising, I was as well. The more I explained and answered his questions the more he started getting upset about the whole thing. He knows a very detailed account of my childhood so he doesn't doubt they'd be capable of it. If he didn't believe it I don't think he'd be as willing as he was to have a significantly longer commute to and from work.

Bro you need to stop smoking meth and sober up fr

Here is how you view your Google drive history, when stuff was voted/modified etc.

where is long post bot when you need em?

Read it, she admits to liking fent and referred to herself as "socially retarded".

It is good shit.

...what? What does my brother having a drug problem in the past have to do with me?

You're literally just saying random shit to get a reaction from people. Though I guess that's the point of a drama subreddit? Well at least I got some good info from this post, thank you for that

Sorry I misread the part about the opiates.

Sorry I misread the part about the opiates, and I forgot to ask you your opinion about Pit Bulls?

So waaaait a minute, you know for a fact the were masturbating to your pictures? Like as a group? Solo? Did they all admit it as a group?

Have you ever gotten assessed for borderline personality disorder?

Yes, when I was a child/teen my parents were convinced I had something wrong with me because I wouldn't fall in line with their very controlling parenting so I've had many, many psychological evaluations. Turns out it's just depression and generalized anxiety disorder with a touch of Asperger's 🤷

It's always easier to say the kid's broken than admit your own mistakes.

If they put cameras in your house and the cameras record to an SD card, they would need to periodically sneak back in to swap out the SD cards, right?

Yes. As I explained in the original post, I was making an effort to bond with my mother to try to form a relationship after my shitty childhood. That means frequent visits to my home.

Let's say your mom comes over once a week and takes the SD cards and replaces them. This means your mother is dedicating several hours per week to monitoring you, hundreds of dollars on equipment and storage as well as your premium accounts, and an additional several hours of reviewing 3 weeks worth of footage every week (since there are 3 cameras) just to find videos of you masturbating.

Does this level of obsession make any sense at all? doesnt she have to work and eat and sleep and do literally anything else other than obsessing over you? All you've mentioned your parents doing in the past was installing porn blocking software and checking your email, which are both things that normal, if slightly overbearing parents tend to do. This is not at all similar to this more recent behavior you are describing. That is why it makes more sense for you to be incorrect about the fact that you are being spied on. This is a symptom of mental illness.

I didn't even think of the actual logistics of reviewing the footage. Lol

Next up these are special motion activated cameras with night vision 🙄

And only in sexy spots with piles of junk electronics.

Idk, this is an extremely unreliable narrator. Maybe it was something like they somehow came across her account and were like "we saw the type of porn you're doing - what the hell is wrong with you! I knew we should have watched you more closely! This is exactly what we were worried about!"

Which then got translated to

  • they watched my porn

  • they want to control me

Tell me how I'm "unreliable" lol

Everything I throw at you turns into "oh haha look at this conceited crazy bitch who doesn't know logic and reason. Oh man this is hilarious I'll just say more ridiculous shit to make it seem like that's what she's actually implying.".

I seriously hope that's the case. I find it weird with how many specific things they've told me though. Either way, glad to have that negative influence out of my life

Dude it's not that hard to skip around to the good part where I'm masturbating in front of the computer. With the lights on. I don't understand where you're getting this sex thing from. The only way they'd be able to listen to us have sex would be through my phone mic if I had WiFi or data on.

Honestly what would you do if you had a bunch of video to go through? You skip around like any other person watching a long ass video. Oh wait no, I forgot, I'm actually retarded and I know they're ONLY watching me masturbate and know exactly when that's happening.

You're assuming they're watching it in its entirety and not just fast forwarding to the good parts. Who just sits there watching someone walk around and hours later be like oh shit I saw her naked? That doesn't make any sense.

You're also assuming they're backing up anything.

They're retired. It was well within their means to buy a couple small indoor security cams and a couple SD cards. The cameras thing only lasted a couple weeks at a time on and off. I really, really doubt it was 24/7

I don't know how you got "porn blocking software". Haha no. This was looking at what I was watching regularly, obsessively looking for my nudes, going through my chat logs, any accounts they had access to, and my cell phone all the way until 18 (or at least that's what I thought). All the while constantly being told I'm a disgusting whore and why can't I just be like my sister.

I hope you never have access to children if you think that's normal behavior.

Listen buddy, your grift is good. There's no need to justify it here. Stop digging that hole.

So you were chatting with strangers and sharing nudes before you were 18? WTF? No wonder they were trying to track you online, maybe if they did a better job you wouldn't be pooping on camera

Yeah, I don't really think that's uncommon. Do you really believe teens aren't doing that?

You know the reason I did those videos was to get enough money to support myself right? So I wouldn't have to be trapped in their house and I could pay for college. They wouldn't teach me to drive, I lived in a rural area, and my social skills were extremely stunted. Not sure how you make money quickly in that situation. I was just some random girl, you think anyone's going to pay a ton of money for anything else besides scat or full service sex work? I was trapped in their house so full service was out of the question. If you have time to market yourself you can make money basically doing anything but that took time that I didn't have at the moment.

Making child porn is actually really illegal

Obviously, but just because it's illegal doesn't stop people from doing it.

So they are evil satans for trying to prevent you from committing felonies with a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in federal prison?

Way to go with the reading comp there bud. Your strategy is to take a minor piece of the puzzle and turn it into the entire reason for it all? Look I know no girls ever wanted to get naked in front of you when both parties were under 18 but that's not an excuse to obsess over something so minor.

Were you allowed to have friends? Were you taught to drive by your school or your parents? Did you have a normal schooling experience with no multi-year long breaks of online only learning? Did you shower in peace and not have your mom expose your naked body while she yelled and shamed you starting at 12 years old? Did you ever have a diary that wasn't read? Was your bedroom door always on it's hinges?

Never had more than a month or two at a time where the only people you interacted with was who was at home? Never had periods where you literally weren't allowed to be in the same room as your parents for days at a time? Never had recurring nightmares of being a kid and trapped at home or one of the "treatment centers" they'd send you? Never been told "privacy is a privilege not a right"?

Abuse is hard to spot when you grow up thinking it's normal and "that's how all families are".

I know, I must be a total loser because I never consumed or created child porn.

I assumed you were around my age +-5 years since you seem to frequent this sub. If that's not the case, I apologise because things were probably a lot different for your age group. In that case my comment doesnt really apply. It's very common with younger people today.

2019 and believing in schizoid ramblings

???? why is a thot using lack of education as some sort of argument? Surely you're an uneducated hoe yourself?

not only that but how the fuck did boomers even wrap their head around google drive and keylogging? Unless her parents had her at a young age which might explain the mental disability that causes you to post excessive nudes of yourself on the internet for literally anybody to view but whatever

There's a creepy brother who did all the tech stuff

She explained it above! There were SD cards in the cameras and he totally stole her phone researched what make and model it was, rooted it and installed Cerebrus all without her knowing.

If any of this shit actually happened she needs to go to the police like yesterday, SD cards and a phone that has been tampered with to spy on some one are plenty of evidence to get a conviction. She never did because this never happened.

Lol why would you assume it would be connected to internet? There's such a thing called SD cards.

Guess you're not really familiar with technology? It wasn't a live stream, that would be easy to catch.

If you found these web cams why didn't you hang on to them and go to the police, same with your tampered phone (if your phone was an Apple I highly doubt he installed anything on it)?

That would be more than enough information for a conviction or at least a restraining order?

If you actually read my comments in the original thread you'd know that I assumed they were my husband's since they were in his pile of parts and other junk.

I don't have them. She was caught wondering around in my house multiple times when I was trying to change or grab something from my car. I saw her slip something in her purse at one time but only as I was coming down the stairs so I didn't really know what she was fidgeting with. Better to ignore it than anger her I thought.

They were small indoor security cams, she took them before officially confessing.

I use Android, not sure why you think I have an iPhone. Anyway, I still have the phone so that's actually a great idea now that I know that a factory reset doesn't erase it after that person's comment informed me. Thank you so much for that reminder!

I assumed you used an iPhone because only poor people use Android. But after Keri stole all that money from you because you broke her daughter's favorite cup, I can see how you became poor.

That stereotype about trashy people owning older iPhones with a cracked screen is false?? My life is a lie

I own my own 3,500 sqft house with a fenced in yard.

She gets 5% of my monthly income through Manyvids revshare. That's anywhere from $300-$1,000 extra a month for her every single month because I signed up through her referral link. While I was staying with her I threw about $500 her way to help out since she was struggling with her tax payment.

I know that kind of money seems like a lot to you. It's okay if you don't make enough where a few hundred doesn't affect you, but you're delusional if you think that's for everyone.

Use it or lose it hun, my earning potential is only going to increase my entire life while yours has peaked and began a steady decline.

Maybe you should use some of that money and hire a forensic specialist and have your old phone checked.

She gets 5% of my monthly income through Manyvids revshare. That's anywhere from $300-$1,000 extra a month

you're making 6-20k a month on manyvids?

I do, I think she thinks "thousands" is in the 5th digit and beyond lol

I don't think anyone with a functional grasp of arabic numerals thinks that.

You're pretty inconsistent (went from a townhouse to a 3500 sqft house with a yard) as well as have admitted to producing cp, so I'm not sure why lying about how much you make would be out of character

Well she's not really good with classic education kind of stuff. Nothing wrong with that as long as you're a nice person, everyone has their strong suites. With how she was talking about conspiracy theories, astrology, and how doctors are out to get you I didn't get the impression that there was a whole lot of logical reasoning present up there.

I really don't see how that's inconsistent. Between my husband and I we were able to afford a house further from the city. Do you own or rent?

I love how you're acting like I'm distributing pics that I someone have after all these years or that this is some new phenomena. In my age group it was extremely common to send nudes to each other. I'm sure it's even more prevalent with how popular Snapchat is with teens. I don't support it, but people will always find ways to see each other naked.

I mean you can tell me I'm awful for it, that's fine I guess lol. They were never on the internet for people to see and they were sent to people my age who sent pics of themselves. If you're mid twenties or younger and you've never sent a dick pic to your highschool girlfriend, some other girl you were talking to while in highschool, or ever received anything I'm proud of you. You had more restraint than I did at that age.

Is it a nice fence?

Yeah, six foot wood fence all around. There's a spot in the corner of the property that needs to be repaired but most is in good shape.

6' perfect height to keep the manlets out 😍

I mean she’s clearly got some sort of issues I think that much is clear

you expect camwhores to have fucked up families but damn

Dude read her explanation of how they "spied" on her, it reads like some tech fantasy shit a paranoid person would write, or just pure fantasy.

I would never out her even if I did think that about her, even though she totally screwed me over frankly. I do wish her the best

Huh, well thanks for the info. I didn't know you didn't get along with her anymore.

I was fine. Months after our collab she wigged imo. I would rather let it lie, the story involves my family members dying, losing a relationship and pets... Oh and she's the victim. Remember that.

Damn shit sounds tough, I can't believe she attacked you when you were defending her.

Lol I can

Lol, I am still trying to figure out why she didn't go to police with the "webcams" and "hacked" phone and HDD there would certainly be enough evidence between everything there to press charges and get restraining orders.

None of what she said makes any sense, which is why I was thinking she is paranoid or delusional or something. 🤔

Yeah it sounds crazy as fuck. People do crazy shit.. I personally do not like drama, at all. I respect your interest in this- but I'm out. Thanks!

I hope you get kidnapped and circumsized


Describe the mug

The mug was a camera.

Hahaha those are Canon lenses, but I see what you mean

Cute fox mug. She replaced it immediately I was grateful for that.

Lol I just love writing stories, huh?

You can say none of that happened if you'd like, but there's records of you being rude to other girls. Why don't you use r/sexsells? Why aren't you in the retweet group on Twitter? You're not in the reddit discord? It's strange that you're the victim but no one's ever come to me with personal experience with you that has good things to say.

I don't think you get to complain that I screwed you over when you continue to make thousands off revshare and I repeatedly gave you money during my stay with you.

Lauren, who did videos with you for quite awhile, stopped being friends with you. I'm not an outlier.

Jesus you have problems, chick is just defending you and you bite her head off.

Dirt? Oh wait you mean because I sucked off a dude and made out with another? I've done that before in the past with permission, and I've already talked to him about it.

>Cheating was okay because my husband let me cuck him in the past.

Galaxy brain take

Not saying it was right thing to do at the moment, I was just pointing out that we've addressed it. He's done some questionable things without explicit permission too so we've agreed it's not a big deal. We're both poly but usually it's just girls that we do sexual stuff with. Guys have happened but not frequently and he's not bi unfortunately.

Damn you took the gloves off there.

So your husband gets off on seeing you with other guys? Sounds like an untapped porn market potential.

You make scat porn?

No but apparently doing vids years ago to try to collect enough money to get out of your parent's psychologically abusive home is enough to permanently deem you a "scat pornographer".

It's mostly just annoying, it gives people false hope that I'll make videos for them or sell them any older ones.

So you did in the past. You’re making it seem like you did them out of necessity? Or were you into the kink as well?

This isn’t an attempt to kink shame I’m kinky myself just wondering.

I did it out of necessity. I lived in a rural area without public transportation and my parents refused to teach me to drive. That plus extremely stunted social skills due to not being allowed to have friends or leave the house for months at a time made it pretty difficult to get money quickly any other way.

The idea of it is kinda hot but real life is a bit too much for me. I don't intend on ever trying any of that again.

Sounds like you grew up Amish or some shit. Huh I recognize seeing your posts around reddit , so a lot of that was while you were stuck at home with no social skills? This all seems far fetched but who am I ?

Can you drive now? Did they control what you ate as well?

Only for the first year or so. I've been doing this for a little over 4 years.

Yes I can drive now and no they weren't that weird with food. Just when I was a kid they gave me whatever and enforced an "eat everything on your plate" policy so I was pretty fat. Once I was old enough to regulate my own food intake that stopped.

Omg, this is terrible and breaks my heart to hear!

I’m so sorry you had to go through this!

Do you just guess whether to use your or you're?

My phone always just does "your" and I correct it when I catch it.

I applaud your masterful pot-stirring.

This would be a good snappy quote.

Have justcool do it or something?

Degeneracy begat degeneracy, it seems. Don’t know why the e-thot is surprised 🤷‍♂️

Do. Not. Downvote.

Your mum

Yeah! What Jonna said!

I think we found a paranoid schizophrenic. Milk that lolcow!

I dont blame the parents, it's always fun to watch a professional at work.

E-whores must develop some serious mental issues.


The issues existed before the thottery.

LOL she has monetized every bit of that snatch except for the one missing piece - the fake account that claims to be her pervy brother selling crusty thongs that were freshly stolen from the laundry bin.

Nice screename bb nohomo

Hope they are just trolling because I know someone like this (not the thot part but the crazy part).

They also think they are being gang stalked but by the coworkers. With this kind of crazy, they don’t realize how much money and effort would have gone into stalking someone. Let’s say, a stalker only stalks like 6 hours a day. That’s still a huge chunk of their day.

With this kind of delusion, these people think they are the main protagonist of some cheesy crime thriller novel and everyone else just revolves around them. Others are just side characters who only live to make the protagonist’s life hell. They have no life whatsoever. It’s very unlikely that multiple people would conspire together and dedicate their lives just to stalk a person.

It’s actually fascinating.

I missed you BBY 😘, why don't you post on drama anymore?

Too many right wingers there 🤮

Shit. I fucking missed it? The one time a cow comes to deux and I missed it? Consarnit!!

I didn't even have to ping her, she came here of her own volition.

Pinging the other one, though 🤯