How John Oliver turned me into an anti SJW for a year in 2016

4  2019-08-20 by HardIsLife

It’s not Steven Crowder or Milo his last name too hard to spell or Bearing or Sargon or the like that turned me into an anti SJW for a minute back in 2016.

So, here I was a perfectly SJW extremist. I was very active in the LGBTQIAA+ community and I watched + agreed with TYT. Therefore, all my YouTube recommendations were similar to that political spectrum. I was in the bubble and I also watched John Oliver on HBO. I knew from Community and everything. One day he did a segment about how women are bullied more online and I was like “hell, yeah, about time!” The main example he gave Anita another last name that is hard to spell.

I didn’t know about her at all. Never heard of her but that video had a more significant dislikes than others so I read the comments. People were namedroping the amazing atheist, thunderf00t, Sargon of Akkad, etc. So, I very briefly looked up a few videos of them talking about Anita. Some good points were made, that I admitted. And I went back to Jezebel to talk about it and suddenly, despite my long history of being there, I got reported as a troll. All I did was ask some questions about if there’s any legitimacy to what these youtubers were saying. I didn’t even say I agreed with them or anything because at that point, I didn’t even know what to believe. I also came clean by saying that I had very little knowledge about this and that I wanted to hear what this side would say to debunk. But instead I was reported by mass and blocked.

That really disturbed me and made me want to hear what the anti SJW crowed had to say. At first, I was very disturbed to hear such blunt statement from the likes like Milo but over time I got addicted to the drama and stayed for the drama. I also warned burgercels that Trump might win but they didn’t listen.

We can blame pepe memes and Russian bots all day long but those never attracted me until I got piled on by my own people. Basically, I got Aziz Ansari’ed.

Now I’m neutralized and I’m all very radically centrist with communist tendencies but that’s ok 🤗I’m still pro LGBT, anti religion and I believe that white privileged exists. And I won’t use /r/drama as long as it’s infected with right wingers 💅🏼


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Why do you make these posts as if anyone cares. You’re probably ugly and flat

Community, good show 👍

Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Everyone knows Chevy Chase is the best.

I love Troy’s fake twitter account about things pierce said.

"Would your bed be more comfortable if your pillow was shaped like a basketball? Or is that racist?"

"Turns out my hair stylist was being sarcastic about my turtleneck the other day. It's so hard to tell with those gay accents."

"Anthropology? Why study my ancient ancestors when we can just study the primitive races like Eskimos or Italians."

"I used to play a game called British or Gay? but it turns out that most of the British ARE gay."

"I don't blame them. If my people's women looked like that then I'd ask them to cover their faces."

"A woman president?! If I wanted to be led by a woman I'd join a beehive!"

"I'm colorblind when it comes to races! I can't even tell if our brown mailman is puerto rican or armenian or an indian chief or something!"

Upvoted, but you are wrong. 😡

Why do you make these posts as if anyone cares. You’re probably ugly and flat

You’re talking about it 💅🏼

If you're letting stuff like that sway your beliefs then you need to look in the mirror. I have plenty of disagreements with other liberals but me not liking an extreme viewpoint of theirs doesn't change how I feel about being liberal.

Well, like I said. I still believe in a lot of things I used to believe. I have never been right winged ever. I was extreme left though.

There's nothing wrong with changing your views or settling down so to speak. Just don't make it because some group upset you. People get overzealous when they are passionate about stuff. It doesn't mean what they want is wrong. It just means they aren't always the most well balanced people emotionally.

I think you interpreted what I said in a different way. I didn’t change my views because they upset me. I was finally willing to listen to the other side of the argument because of it. Before that I either shut out opposing views or was too sensitive to listen to them. I became much more tolerant to opposing views and gradually got better at arguing logically instead of emotionally because that incident made me reflect on how I had been acting too.

Like I said, I didn’t become anti LGBT or pro religion or anything like that. I still highly disagree with those who say there’s no such thing as white privilege. I just learned to listen with my brain and not with my emotions.

And that's admirable. We certainly don't have enough of that. Look at us, having a civil discussion.


Just breaking the cycle 🤭

This might be the most extremely online post over ever read. Turn off the computer, sweaty, you're going to hurt your brain permanently.

Oh wait this is the lib drama sub? I’m m out ✌🏻


Oh thank god

John Oliver turned his own mother into a lesbian.

You're a right winger by SJW standards, sorry.

I also warned burgercels that Trump might win but they didn’t listen.

We wanted Trump to win. The SJW crowd was becoming obnoxious enough to warrant it. The mainstream left has doubled down and all the Democrats in the primary are even worse than in 2016. He will probably win again.

wow you actually got me to read one of these for once

I don't get it

user reports:
1: TV quotes, serious posting, this is just a gayass Reddit thread

They call that "the left eating itself". I thought the rightoid meme of saying "thanks for pushing more people to the right" to crazy leftoids was a pretty good one because it's exactly what they do. Leftoids just keep denying it by saying "oh well if that is all it takes to make them go right then they were a nazi all along so they're cancelled" but there are lots of people with leftist sympathies who will go rightoid out of spite from getting piled on by obnoxious SJWs. They're as retarded as the "hurr durr nigger" rightoids.

Reminder that SJWism is objectively wrong

Took me a while to realise he was the guy from community, it should've stayed like that

I need to start reading usernames before the post