Reminder - the USA elected a shitposter on Twitter as President.

20  2019-08-21 by thowaway_throwaway


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Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. Reminder - the USA elected a shitpo... -,

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I'd vote for him if I could

not even a link to a specific tweet?

If you need an example, see all of them

We should all consider ourselves bless to witness second coming of Diogenes

It really is marvelous. I hope future generations will understand how batshit crazy this timeline is. Its beyond comprehension.

Image unironically thinking mentally disabled leaders are new.

You have to be missing some chromies to willingly enter politics. But it's still absurd that Trump got up there.

It's absurd but not new.

Imaging giving a shit about how many fucking chromes downies have.

I’m happy with my choice.

Tulsi 2024.

the USA elected a shitposter on Twitter as President.

And a damn good shitposter at that sir