little πŸ‘ white πŸ‘ girls πŸ‘ hugging πŸ‘ my πŸ‘ nonbinary πŸ‘ child πŸ‘is πŸ‘oppression πŸ‘

20  2019-08-24 by tejanx


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Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. little πŸ‘ white πŸ‘ girls πŸ‘ hugging πŸ‘ ... -,

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You had ONE job

What if they’re a midde age white man that identifies as a little white girl? Aren’t they the real victim here?

Didn't take long for that to get taken down

foids gonna foid

what did it say

I talk a lot of shit about the construction of masculinity. But listenβ€” little white girls are raised to be oppressors, too. The construction of their femininity as innocent allows their complete and utter domination to fly under the radar. Srsly. Spend some time around kids.

proof of oppression!?!

that’s kinda sad