Banpitbulls' stalker has finally come unglued, countless threads of primo dram

25  2019-08-31 by nyxienoods


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Banpitbulls' stalker has finally co... -,,

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Banpitbulls' mod announcement and dozens of people bitching about how she stalks them

I was just about to post this and other u/ByeByeFlutterPie schizo spergouts in the main sub

Please do they have me banned from the last time

This is a better place anyways 👍

Did you chicken out? I have a great sperg thread for you from last night

i fell asleep lol it was like 2 am

i fell asleep lol it was like 2 am

Just because I stalked them, doesn't mean I want to fuck them. That logic makes no sense, unsurprisingly. You can stalk someone and not be romantically attracted to them.

You can't even prove I fucked children! Stalking's one thing, fucking them's another.

New quote from her, fuck me

Anytime someone uses "sperg" I think:


"Oh yeah, definitely r/Drama."


"Wow, who'd have thunk."

To answer your queston though, I don't take schizo meds, that's for depression. Nice job being hard-on though, take your gold star and run for the hills!

quote from her to me lmao

Taking schizo meds for depression will fuck you all up.


Is she a boomer or something??