Anita is reminding the gamers to Keep Themselves Safe

60  2019-09-01 by Allahu_Laysa_Akbar


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  1. Anita is reminding the gamers to Ke... -,

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Who died? I don't follow this twitter shit

Gamers mad

Day of the Glitch is fast approaching for gamers.


Frankly Im surprised it took this long for someone to kill themselves after being targeted by some angry swarm of Twitter followers. They don't want justice because its not a for sure conviction, so they prefer to harass and ruin their target's life regardless of whether or not they actually did anything. The internet was a fuckin mistake.

I wonder how long this thing will be good for dramacoin in this horrible twittersphere.

May allah break the backs of these rodents after

Both the gamers and the gamer developers shall suffer in the flames of Hell, inshallah.

This shut storm has been fantastic. It’s a damn shame nothing will happen in the end and Zoe and crew will be yas’d from criticism.

Holy shit Gamers are trash. cLoWn wOrLd jajaja 🤡🤡🤡 YOU SHOULD BE EXECUTED FOR THIS!!!

Wow, all those people sure do seem concerned about harassment! I wonder where they were a few years ago when that Gamer Gate thing was happening.