
74  2019-09-05 by tejanx


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Manlet status should be determined by dick size. Shorty McGee with the 8 incher is more of a man than 6 ft 4 Dick with his 5.1 inch prick will ever be

It's physically impossible to be above six feet tall And not have a (minimum) six inch penis.

Facts don't care about your feeeeeelings man/dicklets.



Bruh I'm about to send you so many pics of huge dudes with micro penises


Lifters often shrink their dinks with the steroidal abuse. be better Reddit

Also steroids shrink the testes not the peen. Be better reddit.

COPE, manlet

Lol I thought we were joking around are you actually serious in this exchange? Cause that's be fucking pathetic mate

Every reply is a personal attack.

Yeah but it I thought it was in a funny sarcastic way not a painfully insecure and lashing out way. Sad

Lol that's not the same thing as a dude having a naturally occurring baby dick

Excellent point

Please stop describing your penis if front of all of us.

Lifters dicks look smaller due to large muscles steroids shrink the testies not the penis. (Not actually 💯% sure on this one)

I'm tired of this fucking meme. Yes, gamers are hated by society for having no life, while the average person takes orders from the TV 4 hours per day. Gamers are hated on reddit, for wanting our moneys worth. Reddit is super liberal, until a gamer stands up to a corporation. Then it's oh that virgin gamer is upset that the female body is now covered. No, I appreciate art, culture, and the female body. The gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a video game hobby. Should we slut shame, or shame an alcoholic? No? Then STOP this gamers rise up nonsense.


  1. cope -,

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Fucking manlets

allahu akbar

Manlet is a contradiction in terms, short people who erroneously were born with male genitalia are and have always been women. Fortunately now we have drugs and procedures to correct these horrible disfigurements.

Based and sciencepilled.

But how do you get gainz if you can't reach the pullup bar?