Listen up faggots, *this* is how you dog whistle.

2  2019-09-08 by AI_WAIFU


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of autists on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/DeuxRAMA are the 1%.


  1. Listen up faggots, this is how yo... -,

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The industrial revolution and it's consequences has been a disaster for the human race. But in the 21st century, society is getting better at producing things that don't require pollution. It sounds like the natural world isn't as well-educated as it used to be.

Just how well do we know that?

The answer is a

dude bussy lmao

I'm not sure what this is or how it works, but it's something, I guess. Even after reading the Info thing,I don't really get it.

So I removed all the George Washington stuff from the LM Context box, and wrote this into the Secret Message box: "In 1884, Meridian Time Personnel met in Washington to change earth time". What came out into the Output Cover Text box is this: "I'd been brought back from the beach the other day, and by that time I was already near my bed. An arrow like it didn't say in the beginning the order, or the order not. That's why I was so surprised".

So, what's going on?

Basically, it let's you say one thing while communicating a different message.

You prompt the language model with the context string, then give it a secret message to encode. The model will generate text that could plausibly follow the context string. Then, someone else can use the decryption algorithm along with the original context string to decrypt the model's output.

So you can post benign things that no one would ever suspect, all the while communicating something completely different.

This is actually what the guys on r/conspiracy are doing when you think they’re just schitzo posting back and forth with each other

Is there any way for the site to decrypt the code? because the "Decrypt" tab doesn't seem to have a place to type in a coded message. Or am I just dumb?

Yes, you're dumb.

Type something into the "LM Context" box. Then type something else into the "Secret Message" box and press "encrypt". You'll get some "output cover text" that is related to what you typed into the "LM Context" window.

Then go to the "decrypt" tab. Copy what you typed for the "LM Context" in the "encrypt" tab into the "LM Context" box for the "Decrypt tab". So the "LM Context" box for both tabs should be the same. Then, take the "Output Cover text" you got from running the encryption in the "encrypt" tab, into the "Cover Text" box in the "decrypt" tab. Then decrypt.

If you didn't fuck it up, you'll get back what you wrote in the Secret Message Box. The "Output Cover text" is the coded message. Be careful because it's sensitive to whitespace.