pedophile sub is finally banned and r/AHS is MAD!

30  2019-09-11 by AltOverNow


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  1. pedophile sub is finally banned and... -,,

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faggot power jannie defending the big jannies. fellow jannies lock replies

this is fucked up don't shame my child rape kink bro

Does that qualify as a hate sub?

I don't think it does. From what I can tell, it was a punching bag for the rightwing/white nationalist subs, saying things like, "Why do they ban our subs when this is allowed?" as if there were any sort of equivalence.

>rightwing subs

>"Why do they ban our subs when this is allowed?"

>as if there were any sort of equivalence.

wheres the smuggie for "you think pedos aren't as bad as drumpfers? wow you need to get educated"

just kinky adults graphically describing with great description how they would rape toddlers.

As long as it's between consenting adults then whatever.

aS lOnG aS tHeY dO iT lEgAlLy

it's icky. So it must be banned. /s

imagine unironically being an r/AHS user and saying this

we're being sucked by the alt-right into hating pedos

Lol, I bet those same people defending it as not hurting anyone since it's between adults are virulently against loli hentai though you could make the same argument.

"Don't forget the P in LGBTQ 😡😡😡" - AHS

I don't think it does. From what I can tell, it was a punching bag for the rightwing/white nationalist subs, saying things like, "Why do they ban our subs when this is allowed?" as if there were any sort of equivalence.

If anyone on there actually was into pedophilia, that's fucked up, and I'm glad it was banned, but I'm very wary of people being kink-shamed for role playing, and especially so if that's being used as an equivalence for hate.


Trap Neko Loli is very wary of people being kink-shamed

Fucked up the quoting:/ oh well

pedos are all about love not hate....


is.. their rationalization I think...

broke: fucking children is bad

woke: fucking children is good