what part of the "human" body are we even looking at here?

45  2019-09-13 by AltOverNow


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Not horny anymore after seeing this

Minecraft is the reason Gen Z is becoming so redpilled. Here's some fun things to think about:

Steve: A white male ubermensch who conquers nature and carves it into his own dominion. He builds beautiful structures and ingenious redstone technology.

Zombies: Represent the bugman. Slow, stupid, and outnumber Steve by 100 to 1. They have no ulterior motives beyond consumption.

Creepers: Represent muslims. Not only do they blow themselves up but they are also green which is a color strongly associated with Islam.

Enderman: A tall black man who steals shit and can't swim

Villagers: Big nosed merchants who live in the desert and have their hands constantly rubbed together

Notch saw that Sweden was getting cucked and made Minecraft in collaboration with Pewdiepie in an effort to redpill the Aryan youth


  1. what part of the "human" body are w... - archive.org, archive.today

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Prescient intelligence

Some weird flabby bit

I think it's a thigh

Chick so fat her entire body is probably an amorphous blob but my guess is side tummy area

what kind of chicks get vasectomies?

When Tyrone won't fuck your stank gussy and you don't want to be preggo with beta sperm it's a viable option

it's hard to get a vasectomy when you have no testicles.

Fuck man I just assumed it was a foid. This being a guy makes this somehow even more pathetic

It's 2019, bigot




Them's pubes on the right so it's definitely the hip.

Always got an eye of for them pubes, dontcha, you big gay?

It’s a hairy melon 🍉part

It's the left blob

There's really no way to tell

Elephantitic testicle.

None. It's a californian fatty. Nothing human about it.