Ahs jannie spergs out when someone disagrees with him. Credentials such as his phd are brought up

74  2019-09-14 by epicbaconResurection


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It’s crazy how he can spend his weekends for literal decades obsessing over internet nazis, moderating Internet forums, AND studying for his PhD. They are so strong 💪

Most likely u/bardfinn got his PhD from Reddit university, on internet janitorial services

Jobs for spergs with PhDs in computer science:

Unpaid Internet Janitor

Computer science is a clown phd

u/bardfinn do you enjoy the taste and smell of your own farts?

I imagine he creeps around in public looking for a braphog to sniff instead

The lesser farts of other less intelligent hardly humans dont compare to the pungency of his own. They are not worthy of his time. Us mere mortals can only dream about having the pleasure of sniffing his farts.

> implying that AHS jannies could be so based

Why would you bring up a cis phd in an argument about the holocaust?

It’s so weird that they spend about 6 gorillion times as much energy trying to censor ideas rather than actually debating them

No it isn't


a spergy jannie? how unusual!

how do i get a chad flair?

you dont

lmao baguette thinks he can talk to me

dont make me go on a power trip

Moar liek faguette amirite?

Seething 😖

AHS jannie sperging out and writing a wall of text? sounds like a typical saturday

funny enough I already had that dude tagged as "verbose retard". glad to see I hit the mark

Reminds me of Prince Kropotkin's economics PhD he has supposedly been working on for the past few centuries.