How jungle Asians looksmaxx PART II 🤭

9  2019-09-16 by HardIsLife


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.


  1. How jungle Asians looksmaxx PART II... -,

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Minus piercings, I would tbh. The squinty eyes are too powerful.

would x2

either is a reasonable look

She cute. At least these "jungle asians" as you call them have a little variety. There are like a billion Chinese chicks out there and they only have three different faces between them.

Sounds about mayo because we view this as a very common asian face 🤔

I don't think it's only a mayo thing. Blacks and Latinos can't tell Asians apart either. Since you're the expert what do you think this girl's ethnicity is?


I prefer the left.

Because you fetishize asian features 🙄


You’re on the right aren’t you?

Self loathing 🙄

I’m not the one who’s trying to look Caucasian 🙄


I don't think the one on the right looks Caucasian. She looks more Mexican with a lot of plastic.

Does it count as a fetish when and every girl who wants my dick is a ricefoid and the one that don't are a 90-10 mix of asian and white?

You know what imaginary waifus don’t count, right?

Why would I surround myself with imaginary waifus that don't want my dick?

Left literally mogs right to high hell and back.

Right is the patrician choice and you big gay if disagree

Imagine hating on the best kind of Asians.

good content. post more of these please

philipinos > Chinese

Not really my type but she definitely looks better on the left.

Would smash

Foids 🤮

How is she a jungle asian? Does living in a place with trees count as the jungle now?

Vietnamese look 🤭

Oh. Is the Vietnamese look the long face and flat? I've always been partial to the shorter, chubbier, non-flat, looks like the pictures of the girls who work on a Chinese farm. That's the look that's common among the middle aged noodle foids here.

Pics for reference?

They aren't thin after living in the mid west for a few years.

Yeah, very jungle 🤭

I guess the jungle hobbits are great for me. I will be content to stick to the short, chubby, ugly ones who are too lazy to use birth control.

Sauce pls