I cut off r/Drama 1 month in after I started seeing some red flags.

33  2019-09-17 by HardIsLife

I’m 26.

I saw a lot of red flags. r/Drama mods touching me places that I continuously told the mods not to. The mods trying to have anal sex almost every time I come online. Mods getting really frustrated when I didn’t upload bussy for verification. Mods getting mad at me for posting SJW stuff when they wanted a right winged propaganda.

It resorted to r/Drama mods saying that one of their mods, who like stickies things, always gave them blowjobs and had anal almost every day and that’s what the mods wanted. The mods had brought this up multiple times.

I have conversations with the mods about my boundaries multiple times. The mods would ban me for a week and then start and apologize when I reminded them.

A few weeks back, I was through.

I told the mods to fucking stop.

Just. Fucking. Stop.

r/Drama started crying. Saying they are sorry.

I told the mods that I will never be the woman he wants me to be.

I will never support right winged propaganda that the mods have been trying to push.

I will never feel bad for not wanting to give blowjobs for their approval. I don’t owe them anything.

I told them I was leaving.

And then I left.

And that was it.


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. I cut off r/Drama 1 month in after ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. r/Drama - archive.org, archive.today*

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Lol, boomer.


That's a lot of effort for such a terrible post.

If you didn't want it you shouldn't have been dressed like that.


The constant anal seems pretty weird but the rest of it seems pretty OK???

ill start touching you too if you dont post more