Guy beats his girlfriend. He then becomes a tranny, and realizes he was actually the victim.

100  2019-09-17 by UnalignedRando


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I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. Guy beats his girlfriend. He then b... -,,

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Stealing that comment from a TERF subreddit :

Holy shit. Why don't you just wear her skin while you're at it?

Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.

garbage human.

Which one?

well played. well played.

Badum tiss.

He's here all week folks.

Yassss queen, yassss. She slaaayed that bitch haaard

The abusive GF forgot it was "ma'am" and paid the price.

Forget the ma’am get the hand

You betcha.

this sent me to peak trans and im literally a tranny

That's probably the hardest part of being trans. Having to be around those kind of people who make you look bad by association.

On one hand, free drama. On the other hand, less human rights.

If you want human rights, have you tried behaving more like a human?

Shit, guess I gotta take off the fursuit

Silly tranny, rights are for humans.

aaaaa aaaaa

It might make femayos think twice before mouthing off. Nowadays you can't backhand them too much, but if you can turn tranny afterwards and be the "brave" one and make them look like bigots for speaking up, I'm all for it.


He never actually says what she did, the only mention of abuse is when he hits his gf and blames it on testosterone

Most abusers will blame the victim. In his case he's not dishonest enough to make his story sound like it's a gray area ("she hit me, I hit her" or something like that).