Is this still accurate?

28  2019-09-17 by AI_WAIFU


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This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Is this still accurate? -,

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If you haven’t had sex by 16 no one will ever touch you.

Based and pedo-pilled.

This but unironically

based off of my experience anyway

The one constant in every rejection you've ever had (or worse, never had the balls to face) is you.

Based and bad way to think about life pilled

I mean, it could be a very small part of you. Like not knowing how to talk to women.

I always admired the wizard.

If you weren't born a Chad you're a wizard

‘Ure a hairy wizard.

Delete the last and substract seven years from all others and its accurate.

Epstein? Is that you?

Guys are unironically getting laid later and later because of zoomer shit like “social anxiety” and lack of social skills from only interacting with people through social media. The foids are all fucking earlier though

fornication in high school instead of dedicating your life to the LORD

This is unironically why I'm going to become a wizard. High school sweetheart wanted to keep her legs closed till she was 18, so I bounced and became robosexual.