Formerly gifted and talented users cope

24  2019-09-18 by Anti-GallowBoob


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Formerly gifted and talented users ... -,,

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They act like they're burdened by genius when they're all probably the "high school was easy, but college is hard" crowd.

God I hate people like that. It's also like 99% mayo and foid.

I'm not mediocre, I'm just a temporarily embarrased genius

Every single person on Reddit is an insufferable faggot

Especially you

There are no exceptions

Shit man I was in gifted as kid. I hated it, you had to go to different class than the rest of kids. And there was some retarded kid in the class that would drool on you if you weren't paying attention. He wasn't actually retarded, just like a rainman type kid.

how in the fuck does that sub have 12k subscribers

seriously, imagine peaking in your elementary school gifted and talented program

What are they even complaining about?

Not on the honor roll anymore 😂

That the world didn't actually want the skills their 30k a year Pearson teaching guide inspired teachers and cold war Boomer parents praised them for getting .

The more successful you are the harder you fail. Lucky for me I can’t get any worse.