How To Offend Everyone

61  2019-09-18 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. How To Offend Everyone -,

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none of those offended me.

Radical Centrists are immune.

Triggered ironically unironically

Totally stealing he bottom left

Is it transphobic that I care about lives of cute lil polar bears more then where men in dresses are allowed to pee 🤔

Yes and you should be ashamed asshat

Transphobia is bad, unless the trans person in question mods AHS. Then it is good. Very good.

"Instead of finding arguments that work, you lot are just finding arguments that cause the maximum amount of anger and backlash. This might feel good at the time but it undermines your ability to convince people who might otherwise consider shifting to your position if you didn't come across as a bunch of abrasive jackasses".

you lot

ok stfu faggot

Is this OC?


I definitely agree with bottom left

Yawn. I’d rather look at myself in the mirror than cackle about politics. Radical solipsism outmogs centrism and it isn’t even close.

It’s really hard to get involved in people’s problems when you’d rather be trying or a new direction for your part or trimming your beard.

u/Miltonfriedmanisbae1 you seein this shit dawg

I've been banned for 3 days for telling an AHS jannie he sniffs his own farts but...

These boys trifling

for telling an AHS jannie he sniffs his own farts

Yeah but they do tho 🤔

Bitchy little snitches lmao

Do your farts smell bad to you?

I wonder which Jannie that was...

Lot aham

Lol I posted it to r/enlightenedcentrism

None of the idiots on Reddit will be complaining about transphobia or homophobia when they're starving. If we don't fight climate change it's goodbye.

Top right is a little weak, we all know that white privilege will last our entire lives