You can't be dogfree without being anti-white.

27  2019-09-18 by WhiteTearsForFears

It is well known among academic circles that the West likes dogs because dogs are a tool of White Supremacy.

You might recoil and deny this fact, finding this to be a bitter-pill to swallow, but the evidence is clear:

In "Who Let the Dogs in? Antiblackness, Social Exclusion, and the Question of Who Is Human" (source:](

This article illuminates how the lived experiences of Black men in comparison to experiences of dogs in society highlight antiblackness as the prevailing sentiment in America. This juxtaposition illuminates the psychological project embedded within antiblackness—to dehumanize Black people by elevating dogs alongside other racial groups that have been deemed as human. The article demonstrates how dogs have not only been embraced by Whites, but have been given access into spaces and granted civil liberties for which Blacks continue to struggle. The article looks at the role of dogs in a country that once categorized them as nuisances and marked them with distain by identifying them along with Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Irish, Chinese, and Japanese as the “undesirable” elements of society. Today’s acceptance of and advocacy for dogs as a social phenomenon demonstrates the possibility of an ideology shift by Whites, while simultaneously demonstrating their dogged determination to hold to an ideology that cast Black people as less than human.

In "Whose Best Friend? Dogs and Racial Boundary Maintenance in a Multiracial Neighborhood" (source:

In human–animal studies, dogs are often framed as promoters of interactions among strangers. Yet very few of these studies discuss how racial structure shapes human‐to‐human engagement. Similarly, race scholarship and urban studies have failed to incorporate human–animal studies fully to better understand racial dynamics and inequality in U.S. cities. I use in‐depth interview data from an 18‐month study of Creekridge Park, an urban, multiracial, and mixed‐income neighborhood in Durham, North Carolina, to explore the role of dogs for white residents. I focus on identifying if dogs helped bridge social differences between white residents and their Black and Latinx neighbors in a racially and economically diverse neighborhood. I find that while my white respondents shared many examples of dogs facilitating neighborly relationships and friendship, these relationships were largely between same‐race individuals. By reinforcing a white, urban, middle‐class habitus, white residents used dogs to maintain interracial boundaries and feelings of safety, as well as navigate racial‐ethnic differences between themselves and their Black and Latinx neighbors. These findings point to the necessity of more research that addresses racial structure and human–animal studies to better understand contemporary urban spaces.

These studies show how white people (not all of them mind you, obviously there are some good white people on this sub) utilise dogs to protect their privilege.

Indeed this isn't limited to academia, we see it constantly on Reddit when people talk about pit bulls, they often reveal their opinions on class and race issues while using the dogs as proxies. (e.g. "Pitbulls are only x% of the dog population but account for over half of all maulings" being a favorite (ahem) dogwhistle of the Alt Right since it alludes to repugnant "13 do 50" meme). Please don't mistake this sentiment for pitbull apologia, these dogs are a cancer, but this does not excuse Redditors to be a bunch of racists. Such racist ramblings have already been debunked anyway in "Human races are not like dog breeds: refuting a racist analogy" (source:

And of course, in real life, outside of reddit and academia, we have all seen how white people have started bringing dogs inside the store. This wasn't too serious, but people should have spoken up then for this was the first step on a slippery slope. In the words of Sankara: "Give them an inch and they’ll take a yard ... and then they’ll let their puppy shit in that yard."

Now white people's dogs are everywhere. I see them in malls, at the dry cleaners and—I swear this is true—even at church. Yup, there are churches that have pet services! What the fuck, man? I know Jesus is up there watching and shaking his head thinking, “Hey, Daddy, come look at this! They’re taking the ‘All dogs go to heaven’ too literally!’”

But the final straw was when white people started bringing dogs into restaurants. Now, I know white people are predisposed to not respecting boundaries, but restaurants are a tad bit outside the limits. That’s just nasty. I understand that they don’t see a problem with it, but the dogfree users and all nonwhite people of the world, get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about eating a 2-for-$20 appetizer at Applebee’s with a fork that was previously licked by a St. Bernard. Ugh!

My point is that, to be truly anti-dog, we must also become anti-white.


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This, but unironically.


  1. You can't be dogfree without being ... -,,

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Tldr: blacks are mad that white women fuck dogs and not them.

What you talkin about, Willis? White girls are all about that BBC.

Only after their dog has dumped them for some literal bitch.

high quality effortpost, put it on stupidpol

Good idea.

Do you know how easy it is to get a dog to attack a black person for no reason?

Literally all you had to say nigga.

good thing im pro mayocide then

im not reading all this shit

But somehow being against pibbles is racist.

But the final straw was when white people started bringing dogs into restaurants.

this but completely unironically

When black people actually start tipping, then they can complain about my dog eating off their table.