/r/blackladies defend lying and making up incidents of racism as long as it's for a good cause

80  2019-09-18 by UnalignedRando


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  1. /r/blackladies defend lying and mak... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Racist black woman defends racist black woman because white moid recognizes their blatant racism.

ugh.. those pictures are fake as fuck.

she ain't fooling anyone.

Except other /r/blackladies retards since that picture was posted as-is to induce chimpouts and got many upvotes :


I think it's real. she posted 4 more photos from the same spot

Go to a country with no black people and are surprised people stare? Also they either have too much attention or not enough lol which is it?

Also a country where people are taught table manners, and doing instagram poses in a restaurant, or twerking in a public place, is frowned upon.

RACIST! You nazi fascist transphobe!!!!

Literally. Thats what this amounts to. How fragile do you have to be to get offended by someone randomly squinting at you in the background of a retarded photo you took.

We live in a time where if you so much as squint at a black lady doing a photo shoot, THATS RACIST!!!11!

hey they're asian they can't help it that they're squinting

Tourist areas in Italy are full of black people. Usually African migrants.

They're very helpful too. One of them was working as a wallet inspector and let me know that mine was not up to code. Said I could have faced a huge fine but he did me the favor of disposing of it for me.

Not sure what you expected from the Primary Mayo Origin Point.

they tried to ask me for food and sell me watches when i was in italy

Yeah, they're usually selling selfie sticks and other junk. Or pulling the scam where they act like they're giving you something for free, but then follow you around until you give them money.

I had to deal with one of those assholes in London

Just don’t take their shit and you’re good.

Most of the time they're fine if you just refuse their "free" shit. It's just ignorant people who fall for it.

I was sitting outisde of a cafe in Rome, and 5 dudes at my table fell for it before I told them that the was going to demand money.

One of the idiots broke the bracelet while taking it off and paid him a few euros.

Lets take random photos of black women with random photos of white families in the background squinting at BLACK PEOPLE with ZERO FUCKING CONTEXT and call it RACIST!

We live in a fucking society, guys. My lord.

Lol imagine being so insecure about yourself and scared of huwite people that you see mayos in the background of your pictures looking befuddled (as is their custom) and immediately start hallucinating about racism mind bullets.

I find it really funny y'all're taking this at face value. These are women. Now is it really surprising that women call to attention the fact they get attention and frame it as a negative thing to appear humble? It's a drug.

How do I draw attention to the fact that I get attention without sounding pretentious? I complain about it. Even better when I make myself out to be a victim from the attention. Black women love to make it about race because RACISM really makes people notice the fact that they are being noticed.

Why do you think women complain about being "catcalled"? It's a way they can measure their worth. A woman who doesn't get attention is made to feel inferior - "but I don't get catcalled what's wrong with me!?"

I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that I don't think those were photoshopped.

Comparing the original: https://i.imgur.com/G3kS0ax.jpg

There definitely appears to be a platform there where people can stand and take pictures: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/c5/28/20c5289ba80ccf71fcab56ce45273cbe.jpg

Both sides look identical, but if you pay attention you can see the platform with stairs:


Close up of the platform:


Its not shopped. The sensors on these new cameras are just wonky sometimes.

Can we talk about how everyone is talking about how it is to travel as a black woman ALONE? Who's behind this camera taking these Instagram quality pictures? I've given my camera to random people before, they're pictures are never that good. This girl is clearly traveling with someone.

I've also never stared at a black person while traveling, what I HAVE given the side eye too is the models taking up half a street to get their glamour shots.