AHS is seething that some trash LegoYoda meme sub was banned before the Nazi nexus at IGTHFT

26  2019-09-19 by MoistLanguage


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. AHS is seething that some trash Leg... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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More Seething 24 h after the event!

Was it Spez or those Disney (((lawyers))) trying to protect their brand?

"Gran Turismo"

By: Picasshole


Based and Shitlogpilled.



By: Picasshole

Love it very good

lol at the holodomor denial in that thread

AHS is not sending their best.

LegoYoda is one of the most confusing subs I have seen. I am a huge fan of Lego and frequent the Lego sub a lot. I came across the LegoYoda sub and almost every post was about Yoda doing ketamine. What was even the basis for that sub?

Snappy quote please